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Topic: Wish List Hold Question

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aggie-98 avatar
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Subject: Wish List Hold Question
Date Posted: 5/17/2009 10:43 PM ET
Member Since: 7/8/2008
Posts: 655
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So, I have a book on my bookshelf on "Wish List Hold" for someone.  Normally, I wouldn't find that strange.  I do for this one because it has 41 copies in the system, so it is not a wish listed book.  It is actually a book that has been on my self for a couple of months at least.  

Anyone have any idea how that could have happened?  Is this a glitch in the system?  Or could it be that the person had their shelf on vacation hold for a long time (when the book was wish-listed) and just removed the hold, so it was immediately requested?


Spuddie avatar
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Date Posted: 5/18/2009 8:44 AM ET
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Is the book on your bookshelf actively posted, or is it on hold on your bookshelf? (You know when you receive a book, it asks if you want to put the book on your bookshelf on hold or delete it, and there's the dropdown menu? One time I forgot to change that to "yes" to delete it and it was on my shelf on hold.

That's about the only thing I can think of, unless someone had their account on hold for a LONG time and they had this book wishlisted and 41 copies of the book were posted in the meantime. That's pretty unlikely, but it could happen.

If it's not either one of those, I would contact PBS and make sure it's not a glitch.


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Date Posted: 5/18/2009 9:46 AM ET
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Well if their account was on hold and the book became available it would remove it to their RL. That's what it did when I had my account on vacation for a few months while we moved cross country.  I came back and had a few books moved to my reminder list.

Was your account on hold?  It's possible that it went from 40 copies posted to being WL.  I have a book in my TBR: when I bought it it had 200+ on WL.  I never got around to reading it and then I noticed it wasn't WL anymore-I checked and there were over 30 copies posted, but last week it had a short WL again. 

A lot of times this happens if a movie is being made of a book or the next in a series is coming out. 

Beanbean avatar
Date Posted: 5/18/2009 9:49 AM ET
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Or, there could be 41 copies of the title in the system but your copy has a specific ISNB?  There are books out there with four or five ISBNs and some are heavily wished listd and others are not.  Not certain why but there you have it.

aggie-98 avatar
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Date Posted: 5/18/2009 10:00 AM ET
Member Since: 7/8/2008
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The book has been actively posted on my bookself.

My account hasn't been on vacation hold.

I checked the number of books yesterday after I saw it was on "wishlist" hold and there were 41 copies available.  I looked again this morning and there are now 42.  And they do have the same ISBN as mine.


So it appears this is a "hmm..." kind of question.  Since Mary says that books go over to the RL even when on vacation hold, that can't be it.  This is just a strange isn't a big deal, it would just be nice if the book were ready to go today since I am sending out a couple of other books today and this one could go with them.

Last Edited on: 5/18/09 10:00 AM ET - Total times edited: 1