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Topic: Wishlist hold and Autorequest

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Isadora avatar
Subject: Wishlist hold and Autorequest
Date Posted: 9/9/2007 10:23 PM ET
Member Since: 9/19/2006
Posts: 3,846
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I reposted a book with the W and little A, signifying wishlisted and autorequest, go into the wishlist hold for 48 hrs for the member to accept or decline. I thought when something was autorequested, it was automatically requested from the posting member. Why did this book go into the 48 hr wishlist hold when it clearly had the autorequest symbol out beside the big W? Confused here?!

Cathy avatar
Cathy A. (Cathy) - ,
Date Posted: 9/9/2007 10:25 PM ET
Member Since: 12/27/2005
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If they don't have any credits, then it goes on 48 hour hold to allow them to buy some.

pattiea avatar
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Date Posted: 9/9/2007 10:25 PM ET
Member Since: 3/20/2006
Posts: 239
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Just a guess, but maybe between the time you loaded the page and then posted the book, another member posted the same book, so your copy went to the person who was #2 on the list. 

Isadora avatar
Date Posted: 9/9/2007 10:31 PM ET
Member Since: 9/19/2006
Posts: 3,846
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Ok, being out of credits does make sense. And I suppose it is possible another member posted the same book then. Just surprised when the book went somewhere else than where I expected at the time. Thanks for the fast responses.
