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Topic: wondering

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leshshel avatar
Subject: wondering
Date Posted: 6/30/2007 1:56 PM ET
Member Since: 5/30/2007
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I never have read a romance novel, but why are there some may and why are so many read. Is it because we areselves are not romantic or romanced. It seems as thought the plot of these things don't have far to go, but I am sure I am saying this cause I have never read one. So tell me what it is about these books? What void do they fill and if I were to read one which on is the best?


BrokenWing avatar
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Date Posted: 7/3/2007 7:45 PM ET
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Personally, I only read historicals because they take me to another time and place and I get absorbed in the adventures of the hero/heroine.  I think they fulfill my need for romance and adventure.  Best one I ever read (more historical fiction than romance is Outlander (by diana gabaldon).  more characters than a dickens novel and more action than james bond!  Plot twists galore!  If you don't believe me, check out the reviews (e.g. -- about a 1000 reviews and nearly a 5.0/5.0 rating!  this book is the beginning of a series and has it's own cult-like following.  very addictive and outstanding historical; takes place in scotland.  I was a romance snob before reading this.  now I'm addicted.

Last Edited on: 7/3/07 7:47 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
needin2read avatar
Date Posted: 7/3/2007 9:51 PM ET
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I think most of the readers on this forum would agree that romance is true "comfort reading" just as macaroni and cheese and mashed potatoes are comfort foods.  Read one good romance novel and you'll understand--and probably become hooked. 

To most romance readers, romance is not about sex, as most non-romance readers believe.  It is about relationships and how people who deeply care for one another can overcome any number of obstacles for the sake of their love.  Of course there's nothing wrong with a little spice and good physical chemistry is the hallmark of the romance novel.  But in a romance novel physical relations involve deep, caring emotions between the two involved in the relationship.  Also, a well-written romance has fully developed characters.  To the point that you will feel their emotions and become part of their story.  Your emotions will run the full emotional gamut before the book is finished.  You may go through the emotional wringer at times, but you can count on a wonderfully-satisfying ending.  A good romance story will stay in your memory for years.

I also think that reading romance opens your mind to different perspectives on relationships.  It may sound silly, but I think by exposing yourself to all types of stories you can only better your emotional I.Q.

So in my opinion, no one should ever knock romance until they've read a good romance novel by a reputed author of the genre.

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Date Posted: 7/5/2007 6:32 PM ET
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I enjoy historicals for the reasons that were mentioned by Claudia. 

I just like the plot lines and the hero/heroine.  I am not in it for the sex or because my love life is lacking, i read them because they take me into a period that i find enjoyable and the plots are well written if you do get a reputable author.  I aks for suggestions a lot of the time because i tend to read the same authors over and over and need a change of pace.

some people call it smut of soft porn or whatever, but i agree with needin2read that you should not knock it til you tried it.

wiserightwinger01 avatar
Date Posted: 7/6/2007 10:19 AM ET
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I love romances because they make me sigh. ;)  I'm pretty picky though, I only really enjoy books where both characters are likable and the hero is a man's man, not sissified (I HATE when they're described as elegant). 

But yeah, I'm a total romantic.  I love reading about love.  Doris, you described it wonderfully. :)

Last Edited on: 7/6/07 10:19 AM ET - Total times edited: 1
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Date Posted: 7/25/2007 4:43 PM ET
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i like romance novel like historical romance coz it takes me back to another time imagining how was it during that time reading this kind of book not only keep my time busy but it also make your day when you finished reading one and maybe because im just a romantic person (lol)