What a lovely ode to reading before sleep!
Words blur I re-read the passage Again and again and again The weight of incomprehension Builds with each paragraph, Fluttering along the lashed ridge Of my lowering eyelids. I return the book To it’s family mound That makes up my only Night-time companion With a tired reluctance The light is stolen By my traitor hands. And the moonlight serenade begins With shadow and light The trees offering Negative space to the lunar composition Fleetingly written on the walls and ceiling Above my pillowed head. My head lingers On the words that I closed But can’t quite say goodnight to. They rearrange and continue As players in the midnight waltz Offering honey and silt, As the lines come to me In tired eloquence and imperfect stanza. And then before I know it The daylight intrudes To me know that it is time for seriousness and the workday I struggle to capture Even a single line from the night before, To take with me through the days journey To sustain me until I return to Pages and moonlight And dreams |
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