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The Eclectic Pen - It's the Wrong Address

By: Peggy B.   + 2 more  
Date Submitted: 11/4/2010
Genre: Literature & Fiction » Poetry
Words: 38

  Don't call me Ma'am,
it just isn't right.
I know down here in the south,
parents have taught their children to be polite.

It makes me feel old,
and that just isn't me.
Save your Ma'ams for some other old person,
I am only 53.

The Eclectic Pen » All Stories by Peggy B.

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Comments 1 to 6 of 6
Ken D. (SnowKen) - 11/6/2010 2:35 PM ET
Made me smile.
Marta J. (booksnob) - 11/19/2010 6:47 PM ET
I can relate (being both a northern transplant and 54)!
Kerry M. (eduman) - 11/30/2010 11:44 PM ET
If only I had read poems like this in high school... i might not have waited 25 years to read more!
Trish B. (tbecker) - 12/7/2010 11:10 AM ET
Sometimes I get called ma'am, and I'm only 27. It makes me cringe.
Stuart M. (reinonmyday) - 12/25/2010 2:46 AM ET
This is really cute. I love it!
Laura H. (AnandaBelle) - 12/26/2010 5:36 PM ET
I love it. I feel the same way, ma'am is for the older ladies. I am only 47, not nearly old enough to be ma'am! Laura aka Anandabelle
Comments 1 to 6 of 6