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Topic: Wrong Use of TBR - How to Fix???

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Subject: Wrong Use of TBR - How to Fix???
Date Posted: 4/27/2009 2:51 AM ET
Member Since: 1/12/2009
Posts: 263
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When I first joined, it was sooo exciting to see all the possibilities on this site.  Authors I'd never heard of, new genres to try, etc.  So when I would go through the books, and find one I liked the sound of, it would add it to my TBR pile.  I thought this was for books I wanted to read sometime down the road.  Then for books I thought I might like, I put them in the Reminder list - so I wouldn't forget about them after reading all that info.  Now I know the TBR list if for books from the club that are sitting here waiting.  My question is how do I send them or get them listed on the RL?  I have looked at the buttons available, but none seem to be the way to go. 

Do I have to delete them first?   Should I post them, then immediately change them to the RL?   Maybe there isn't an easy way to do this, but if there is, I'm all ears & eyes!   Thanks!     D.

honeybee23 avatar
Date Posted: 4/27/2009 3:44 AM ET
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Oh dearie! Your post has me confused!

This should explain each shelf, and what they are used for:

Bookshelf: this is where you post the books that you own and are willing to swap

Wish List: this is where you post books that you want to "buy" with a credit (you can earn credits from swapping or you can buy them... buddies can gift you a credit, too)

Reminder List: Books here are books that you don't want to forget about, but aren't ready to wish for, yet. Books cannot be on both your Wish lst and your Reminder List.

To Be Read: This is where you add books that you haven't read yet, and they are in your pile  to be read.  I suppose you could add books here that you don't own, but one day plan to read.

Hope this clears things up!

tiffanyak avatar
Date Posted: 4/27/2009 5:50 AM ET
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You'd have to go into the listing for each one and add them individually to your Reminder List from that page. That's the only solution I can think of. You definitely don't want to post them into the system, since you don't have the books, and many are bound to be WLed or immediately requested before you have time to then remove them from your shelf. Not to mention that you can have books simultaniously posted and on your RL and TBR, so there's no 'change' involved in that process, you'd only be listing the book in an additional place.

At least, I think that answers your question, if I understood your problem correctly.

Hockeymom14 avatar
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Date Posted: 4/27/2009 7:34 AM ET
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As Tiffany said, you'll have to add them individually. The easiest way to do so is to hover over the cover image of the book and click on RL, that will add the book to your RL, but it won't remove it from your TBR. So after you add it check the box next to the book and when your done that page click delete.

Edited for spelling...need more coffee.

Last Edited on: 4/27/09 7:35 AM ET - Total times edited: 1
Spuddie avatar
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Date Posted: 4/27/2009 9:23 AM ET
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Yup, it gets CAN use these lists any way you want...that is to say, of course the Bookshelf is for books you want to trade now, and the Wishlist is for books not available in system that you want and will accept if offered. The Reminder and TBR you can use at your discretion in whichever way you choose, but it would be good to be consistent so you know what you have and what you want.

Personally, I use the RL for wishlist overflow and for listing "next in series" books I need and are available but I'm not ready for yet. The TBR I use only for books that I own that I haven't read yet.


melanied avatar
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Date Posted: 4/27/2009 1:51 PM ET
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If you want to use the list that way, go ahead and use that list that way. With the possibility of the RL being merged with the WL as WL books on Hold, you may want to keep these books off of your RL. If you do want to move them, I suggest the hover, add to reminder list, then check all of the books and hit the remove button.

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Date Posted: 4/28/2009 2:44 AM ET
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Thanks, All - that gives me some direction to go and I will follow your ideas.    :)     D.