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David W. (davidbooks) - , - Bulletin Board

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David W. (davidbooks) - , 's Bulletin Board Entries

David W. (davidbooks) - , :

Hello all. My duplicates and triplicates (sigh) that I have collected over the years are now posted.. Check out my list to see what is newly posted. I have predominately science fiction and mystery. The books range from anywhere from a few years old to half-century. I have been collecting for a few years. I am available for a quantity requests. David of davidbooks

Entry added on 4/23/2016 4:25 PM
Last edited on 10/10/2016 3:40 PM
David W. (davidbooks) - , :

I am going to start purging most of the older technology books that are a decade or older. If there are any that you want “of historical significance”, now is the time to let me know.

David of davidbooks

Reply added on 3/26/2022 6:48 PM
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