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Chris O. (Lambie)'s Bulletin Board Entries

Chris O. (Lambie):

2014 Reading List:

1. Since You're Leaving AnywayTake out the Trash
2. The Chocolate Mouse Trap
3. Paper Angels

Entry added on 1/19/2014 1:47 PM
Last edited on 1/19/2014 1:48 PM
Chris O. (Lambie):

Air fresheners: My preference is Yankee Candle spray, especially in Autumn Harvest, but other yummy scents are welcome, except for strong florals.
Alcohol: No thank you.
Allergies : None Bath and Body: If anyone can find Love's Baby Soft powder, I've been looking for it for ages! I enjoy shower gels and such, but not in strong flowery scents. They give me migraines. Love Sunflowers and White Diamonds perfumes.
Love hand-made gifts
Birthday: March 13--Pisces
Calendar: none needed
Candy/food: Serious plain Hershey's bar fixation. Love Planters or Cracker Barrel Pumpkin Spice Almonds or Pecans.
Clothing: I wouldn't even try, but I do like thick snuggly socks.
Collect: Dragons, nutcrackers (the decorative type, not the acutal crack the nuts kind, though I have a few of those too), Charming Tails figurines.
Colors: Love orange and blue, though I don't really dislike any colors.
Crafts: I can always use new crochet hooks, especially the bigger ones. Aida cloth bookmarks for cross-stitching are great to have handy. I'd love to learn to knit so an inexpensive "teach yourself to knit" kit would be great.
Misc.: Unusual sheepy type items are always fun.
Credits. Have plenty, thanks
Hobbies: READING, cooking, crochet, cross-stitch, sewing
Gift Cards: My favorites are for Bed, Bath and Beyond or Bath and Body Works (lots of B's!) so I can treat myself.
Jewelry: Love it, but don't wear it often enough. I especially love bracelets.
Kids: One 21 year old DD and one 17 year old DD.
Kitchen: Done in brick red and Italian chef and street scenes. I own too many gadgets and dishtowels.
Magazines: I love craft, crochet, quilt or cooking magazines.
Mailing supplies: I recycle or get mine at the Dollar Store
Misc: Would like to find a DVD of Yentl, Wall-E, or the old movie Desk Set.
Music: Mostly I listen to the radio. Love musicals and show tunes.
Pets: 3 cats. They have plenty of toys and don't eat treats. One fluffy orange lovebug (mine), and two black cats (DDs)
Restaurant GC: TGIFridays, Red Lobster
Sports:Not a huge fan, but I do watch the Giants since DH is a diehard fan.

Entry added on 11/1/2011 11:50 PM
Last edited on 11/1/2011 11:53 PM
Chris O. (Lambie): 2011 Reading List

1/10  Work of the Angels--Kat Goldrich
1/12 The Mighty-- Rodman Philbrick
1/13 Charlie St. Cloud--Ben Sherwood
1/16  Feint of Art--Hailey Lind
1/19  The Hunger Games--Suzanne Collins
1/22  Farm Fresh Murder--Paige Shelton
1/23  Women of the Northern Plains--B. Hindy-Marchello
1/31  Mr. Monk Gets Cleaned Out--Lee Goldberg
2/2    A Date With the Other Side--Erin McCarthy
2/5    Ghost of a Chance--Kate Marsh
2/15  Town in a Blueberry Jam
2/17  The Usual Rules--Joyce Maynard
2/22  Welcome to Last Chance--Hope Ramsay
2/22  Murder in Washington Square--Victoria Thompson
2/27  The Housekeeper and the Professor--Yoko Ogawa
2/28  Killing Custer--James Welch
3/7    A Berry Merry Christmas--Marcia Evanick
3/8    Into the Arms of Strangers--Mark J. Harris & Deborah Oppenheimer
3/14  A Slice of Murder--Chris Cavender
3/20  Under a Wing--Reeve Lindbergh
3/22  A Killer Plot--Ellery Adams
3/25  Ghost in the Polka Dot Bikini--Sue Ann Jaffarian
3/26  The Snowglobe--Sheila Roberts


Entry added on 1/24/2011 11:03 AM
Last edited on 3/29/2011 10:26 AM
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