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Barry M. (broomist) - Reviews

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20 Ways to Cook Chicken
20 Ways to Cook Chicken
Author: Gail Duff
Book Type: Hardcover
  • Currently 4/5 Stars.
Review Date: 12/28/2011

Actualy, the "negative" reviews I've read of this movie sort of surprised me... it is NOT a "horror" movie in the classic sense... it is a suspense film and a romance.... and (I thought) completely riveting. So what if monsters don't come bursting out of the foliage every 30 seconds? A "neat" little film with a message.... and the acting DOESN'T suck.... what more could you ask for?

The Dark Tower VII : The Dark Tower (King, Stephen)
The Dark Tower VII : The Dark Tower (King, Stephen)
Author: Stephen King
Book Type: Audio CD
  • Currently 3.7/5 Stars.
Review Date: 4/4/2018

Done with Steven King. Absolute rubbish for the kind of "payoff" you get with this book and series. You can tell that about halfway through the series he just got tired of writing, and it shows.... (yawn)

Fabrics for Historic Buildings Rev Edition
Fabrics for Historic Buildings Rev Edition
Author: Jane C Nylander
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 0.5/5 Stars.
Review Date: 1/27/2015

I never dreamed this book would have (only) grainy black and white illustrations. What a disappointment.

The Gallery of Regrettable Food
The Gallery of Regrettable Food
Author: James Lileks
Book Type: Hardcover
  • Currently 3.9/5 Stars.
Review Date: 4/4/2018

Brilliantly funny throughout... honest!

Let's Pretend This Never Happened
Let's Pretend This Never Happened
Author: Jenny Lawson
Book Type: Audio CD
  • Currently 3.7/5 Stars.
Review Date: 3/30/2016

OMG - why isn't there a NO stars option? Author should never have read her own audiobook... that nasal whine has you rooting for the opposition almost from the get-go. You HAVE to have SOME sort of sympathy/empathy for the protagonist in a book of this sort, and Lawson simply generates NONE. Of EITHER. Annoying, she should be working in customer service somewhere.

The Night Listener: A Spoken Word Serial
The Night Listener: A Spoken Word Serial
Author: Armistead Maupin
Book Type: Audio CD
  • Currently 2.1/5 Stars.
Review Date: 7/8/2010

As far as "period pieces" go, I actually quite liked Tales of the City - and its portrayal of a GROUP of people in San Francisco. However, when ONE person - the AUTHOR (Maupin?) is the center of attention, I like it much less. Whiny and self-centered, with a somewhat overblown sense of his own importance (to himself AND those around him), the protagonist of Listener is not, at all, likeable or sympathetic.... I just couldn't get past that to really enjoy a storyline that could have (with a more embraceable hero) been quite intriguing.

Palladian Days: Finding a New Life in a Venetian Country House
Palladian Days: Finding a New Life in a Venetian Country House
Author: Carl I. Gable
Book Type: Audio CD
  • Currently 2.7/5 Stars.
Review Date: 5/9/2010
Helpful Score: 2

If you want to "escape" with someone experiencing life in another culture - PLEASE read or listen to "A Year in Provence", which is written by a completely likeable and sympathetic character who understands and appreciates that it is NOT up to him to be superior and condescending to the culture he is experiencing. "Palladian Days", on the other hand, was (apparently) co-written by two of the MOST unlikeable, vain, unsympathetic characters one can imagine.... I kept wishing this WAS a "story", where someone might just swoop in and lay waste to everyone wqith a spray of bullets. But no such luck... it's just an endless loop of people congratulating themselves on their superiority... REQUEST it, and then gift it to someone you don't like!

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