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Angie T. (angiet) - Reviews

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How to Find Selfless Joy in a Me-First World (Indispensable Guides for Godly Living)
Review Date: 5/5/2012

A wonderful read that opens our eyes to what selfless joy truly is. Helps us identify false selflessness in others and ourselves. Shows how to see the true motives behind a kind act. This book has helped me to understand alot about family and friends..and has encouraged me to be watchful against selfishness in my own life also...the kind that appears to be selfless. This is a book that a friend shared with me to help me understand a difficult family relationship. I am so grateful she shared it with me. I can see how seemingly selfless acts are rooted in selfishness in her life. It had never occured to me before. I highly recommend this book to anyone who cares about and wants to understand others around them.

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