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Jessica K. (jlkight) - Reviews

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Angelfall (Penryn & the End of Days, Book 1)
Angelfall (Penryn & the End of Days, Book 1)
Author: Susan Ee
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 3.9/5 Stars.
Review Date: 4/11/2012

The end, it seems is all to near. The world has erupted in chaos. Humans and Angels are locked in a battle of survival and dominance. Yet no one, Angel or Human knows why they came or for what reason.

In these trying times and End of Days, Seventeen year old Penryn must take care of her disabled sister as well their paranoid schizophrenic mother. But while trying to escape the gang infested streets of L.A she happens upon a group of angels trying to kill Raffe, a beautiful angel with snow white wings. In order to buy time for her family to escape she decides to help Raffe in his battle but not before his wings are brutally hacked off and Penryn sister is kidnapped.

How much does Penryn love her sister? Penryn will stop at nothing to get her back. But where did they take her sister? Her only hope is to team up with the wingless angel Raffe who so desperately want his wings back and revenge on those who cut them off. But is she willing to trust the very creature that has killed so many of her kind? Will he kill her? Will she kill him? Can she find her sister? Is it too late to fix Raffe's wings? Is their world really going to end this way?

I really enjoyed reading this book. the concept is new and terrifying. I cannot wait for book 2!!!! Well Done Susan Ee, well done!

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