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Box-O-Books™ -> What is Box-O-Books™?

Box-O-Books™ lets you ship books for LESS MONEY, and NO CREDITS are needed. This feature is available only to participating members here at!

Here's how it works:

If you become a participating member of Box-O-Books, you'll be able to access a list of other participants ("Boxers") and browse their account Bookshelves. Once you find a Boxer with whom you'd like to swap a box, you begin the process by selecting as many books as you are willing to trade with that member.

The system then sends an email invitation to the other member asking if s/he would like to trade books with you. The other Boxer goes to your account Bookshelf and views your posted books. When you both agree on the books that you want to trade, you both click "accept," print each other's mailing address, box up the books and mail them. No credits needed, and you save on postage as well (see below for more about postage savings)!

You can opt to use PBS Printable Postage when printing your Box-O-Books™ wrapper.

You can see from the table below how you can save a lot of money on postage by sending multiple books to one location as a Box-O-Books™, instead of sending them one at a time. Check out the savings you can enjoy when mailing more than one book to another member!

Postage Cost Comparison

# of
Postage Due if Books
Sent Individually + DC
   Box-O-Books™ Postage*
+ Delivery Confirmation
Your $avings
1 x $4.63 + $0 = $4.63 $4.63 + $0 = $4.63 $0.00
2 x $4.63 + $0 = $9.26 $4.63 + $0 = $4.63 $4.63
3 x $4.63 + $0 = $13.89 $5.38 + $0 = $5.38 $8.51
4 x $4.63 + $0 = $18.52 $5.38 + $0 = $5.38 $13.14
5 x $4.63 + $0 = $23.15 $6.13 + $0 = $6.13 $17.02
6 x $4.63 + $0 = $27.78 $6.13 + $0 = $6.13 $21.65
7 x $4.63 + $0 = $32.41 $6.88 + $0 = $6.88 $25.53
8 x $4.63 + $0 = $37.04 $6.88 + $0 = $6.88 $30.16
9 x $4.63 + $0 = $41.67 $7.63 + $0 = $7.63 $34.04
10 x $4.63 + $0 = $46.30 $7.63 + $0 = $7.63 $38.67
* Actual Postage may vary depending on the size and weight of the books included in the box.

Media Mail Rates

1 lb
2 lb
3 lb
4 lb
5 lb

At $8.00 per year's subscription, you can save money on your very first exchange using Box-O-Books™. You can read more about how Box-O-Books™ works in the Help Center. We hope you enjoy this great feature found only here at!

All the best and happy reading,

Richard and
The PaperBackSwap Team