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Swap Children's Books Online

Helping busy Moms Swap Children's Books Online.
  • It's easy: List books you'd like to share with others.
  • Once a book is requested, mail it to the other member.
  • In return, you may choose from 769,282 available books!
- Books you request are mailed to you postage paid.
- No late fees. No hidden charges.
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Children Love Books! Browse our most popular Children's Genres
  1. Baby Books
  2. Books for Ages 4-8
  3. Books for Ages 9-12
  4. Books about Animals
  5. Arts, Crafts & Music Books
  6. Sports & Activities Books
  7. Disney Character Books
  8. Stories, Folk Tales & Myths
We're NOT just Children's Books! Enjoy trading the most popular Literature & Fiction, Mystery & Thrillers, Romance, Audio Books... you name it!

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