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Book Review of Aberrations

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Angel Duet is a 21-yr-old with a lot on her plate. She's a college student in a complicated relationship with a doctor, trying to share a house with her secretive father and his new girlfriend (who is incredibly pushy), and on top of that, she is narcoleptic. Angel tries everything to rid herself of the chimera of narcolepsy on her back - medications, therapy, and eventually, in desperation, illegal drugs. Her struggle to cope with daily life while narcolepsy controls her every emotion begins to take it's toll on Angel. After a string of poor choices, she is forced to deal with a truth that will change her life forever.

I enjoyed the portrayal of a person living with narcolepsy in Aberrations. The constant lethargy, the scattered thoughts, the disruptive cataplexy during an emotionally intense conversation - it was spot on according to my husband (who also has narcolepsy). I didn't care for story itself, though. I found the plot just didn't engage me like I'd hoped. I also didn't think the profanity added to the story (does it ever?), so I must suggest you pass unless you're interested in a rare sleeping disorder.
rh 6/1/12