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Book Review of Kombucha Revolution: 75 Recipes for Homemade Brews, Fixers, Elixirs, and Mixers

Kombucha Revolution: 75 Recipes for Homemade Brews, Fixers, Elixirs, and Mixers

Thank you Blogging for Books for this Review Copy.
"Kombucha. It's been called the 'elixir of life,' a cure-all that detoxifies the body, aids digestion, re-energizes the mind, and even helps reverse the symptoms of cancer. Drink several glasses of this fermented tea a day and, according to some, its healing properties will lower cholesterol, help with weight loss, reduce hot flashes, and create a general sense of well-being."
-Stephen Lee
A few years ago, a good friend introduced me to Kombucha (com-boo-cha). It's a fermented drink that is made with tea and is so good for you. She kindly gave me a Komucha SCOBY. Silly, I know, but it is a living thing. ~smile~ I brewed a gallon of very strong black tea, added a cup of sugar, and waited for it to cool. Then I added the Kombucha Scoby, covered it, and set it aside to ferment. Two weeks later, I opened it up, took a sip, and oh, yuck. It tasted like vinegar! I tried it again with the same results. I gave up.

Still, I kept hearing about how good Kombucha is for you. Google it, you'll see what I mean. Recently, another friend offered me another Scoby along with some premade Kombucha. I liked it! I guess I'd brewed the tea too strong and the Kombucha too long. It didn't help that I don't like sweet tea. Yikes! Did I put that on my blog? Please, Southern readers, don't hold it against me! I was still afraid to try Kombucha again. I was afraid I'd mess it up. This book has put that fear to rest.

Reading this book gave me confidence to try making Kombucha again. The instructions are very clear. There are many recipes for different kinds using different teas and add-ins. My fears have been set to rest. With these instructions, I think just about anyone could make Kombucha safely. There are numerous recipes for drinks, foods, and mixed drinks (to which alcohol is added). Obviously, I skipped the mixed drinks chapter. I don't think I'll probably make the foods, but I do want to try some of the beverages.

This is book is well-0written, well-organized and engaging.

Kombucha Revolution was written by Stephen Lee, founder of Kombucha Wonder Drink, co-founder of Stash Teas, and co-founder of Tazo Teas. He knows what he's talking about when it comes to tea. It is co-authored by Ken Koopman who co-founded the Koopman Ostbo marketing agency.