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Book Review of Santa's Playbook (Jersey Boys, Bk 3) (Harlequin Special Edition, No 2369)

Santa's Playbook (Jersey Boys, Bk 3) (Harlequin Special Edition, No 2369)
scoutmomskf avatar reviewed on + 2557 more book reviews

Good book about two people with so much love to share, if only they can get past their fears of being hurt. Ethan is a widower with four kids who is just trying to keep his life together. He's none too thrilled when his oldest daughter tries to fix him up with her drama teacher. Claire returned to Maple River to take care of her mother and stayed after her mother's death. She is content with her life the way it is and surprised by Juliette's attempt to hook her up with her father.

I loved the opening of the book, with Juliette and Claire bonding a little over the sales. Then Juliette does her bit, manipulating things so that Claire stays for breakfast. Ethan isn't the most welcoming of guys, as this isn't the first time Juliette has tried to set him up. I liked the direct way that they both address the situation, making it clear that neither is looking for a relationship. However, that doesn't affect the zing of attraction that each of them feels.

I loved the development of their relationship. Ethan is still grieving the loss of his wife while trying to keep his children's lives as normal as possible. He barely has time to sleep, much less think about doing anything for himself. The attraction that he feels for Claire disturbs him. First, that he feels anything for her at all makes him feel disloyal, second, Claire is so different that he doesn't understand the appeal. But he figures that he won't see her all that much so he can ignore it. Claire is also confused by the attraction. She understands the physical appeal; after all, he is a good-looking man. But he's the father of four, and she has never seen herself as the motherly type, preferring her quiet life. Fate seems to have other ideas, and Ethan and Claire find themselves thrown together under varying circumstances. I loved seeing them get to know each other. Against all expectations, they develop a pretty solid friendship. I loved their meeting as they conferred on the best way to help two of his football players and discovered that their methods were more alike than they expected. Claire also ended up stepping in to help when Ethan had to take a trip. It was sweet to see her deal with unexpected challenges and discover that she isn't as hopeless as she thought she'd be. As Christmas nears, their feelings deepen, but both try to deny them. Ethan is in no hurry to risk his heart again or to risk putting his kids through any more upheaval in their lives. Claire saw what her mom went through when Claire's father died, and has maintained an emotional distance ever since. It takes some kind but blunt talk from those who have been through it to open both Ethan's and Claire's eyes to the realization that they are letting fear keep them from something special. I loved their big moment at the end and Claire's comment that "it's not crowded, it's cozy."

The secondary characters were terrific. There was a chance to catch up with the brothers from the earlier stories, The Real Mr. Right and More Than She Expected. I also loved seeing more of their father, Colonel Noble, who had a bigger part in this book. I loved the scene with him, the baby, and Ethan, as he uses his own experience to help Ethan. Claire's landlord, Virgil, was adorable. I especially loved the heart-to-heart over Chinese food. But my favorites were Ethan's kids. Bella was too cute for words. The two boys were so spot-on for their ages that it brought back memories of my own son at that age. Juliette was amazing. A teenage girl who has taken on so much responsibility and dealt with it so well. She's not perfect, but she's real. I especially loved the way that she worried about Ethan. I really enjoyed the way that the epilogue was told from her point of view.