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The Eclectic Pen - Who Am I?

By: Tina S. (cajunace)   + 5 more  
Date Submitted: 11/11/2009
Last Updated: 11/11/2009
Words: 366

  This is my first post here in The Electric Pen. It is more catagorized as a rambling then anything else. I use to write alot, twenty five years ago and just picked up a pen again. I would like some honest feedback on my writings and figured I would start here. I have posted this and five of my poems.
Thank You

Who am I, I sit here and wonder, unable to sleep?
I know what I am, but I no longer know who I am.
I’m a wife, a lover, a mother and a friend, but who am I?
The kids are all grown and off on their own.
Their making their own lives.
Now I’m left here with you, and I wonder, who am I?
We’ve been here so long, I don’t know anything else.
I’ve drifted through this life being what everyone else needed me to be.
But I’ve never been me, now I want to know, who am I?
Who am I, who am I, who am I, I scream silently to myself?
I don’t know the answer to the question I seek, who am I?
Somehow I lost me, over the years, who am I?
And now I wonder, through unshed tears, who am I?
I try to go back, but that’s not me.
I try to move forward, looking, seeking; trying to find me.
But the path before me, it’s not where I’m supposed to be.
I try to turn back, I try to flee, but the path, it beckons, it calls out to me.
Do I move forward, or do I go back?
I can’t stay here, wondering, not knowing, who am I?
Who am I, why don’t I know, who am I?
I’ve been your wife for so very long.
I’ve been their mother, but now they’ve moved on.
I’ve been your lover, over the years.
But in all that time, I forgot to be me, and now I don’t know, who I am?
My body has aged, but my mind, it is still so young.
I want to sing, I want to dance, I want to laugh, I want to run.
There is so much emotion in me, screaming to get out.
There are so many tears, waiting to spill over.
I feel so lost, I feel so alone, who am I, I ask, who am I?

The Eclectic Pen » All Stories by Tina S. (cajunace)

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Comments 1 to 5 of 5
Jesse (EddyKrueger) - 11/12/2009 6:18 AM ET
This is quite sad Tina.
Marta J. (booksnob) - 11/12/2009 9:18 AM ET
I feel your unrest and pain deeply in your writings, and can truly relate because I am in a similar stage of my life. In terms of form, I don't think you need to rely so much on rhyming--the words may have even more power if you let them flow, as you have in this one. Do keep it up! And I wish you peace, that elusive commodity.
Lara E. (Tux) - 11/16/2009 10:42 PM ET
Tina, I loved your poem! Maybe some people don't get it. But, you have to walk in those shoes to really understand. I have always described these feelings as being "a decoration for someone else's life." Go out and grab the world!!! Lara
Michelle G. (shelbyd) - 11/20/2009 4:09 PM ET
I love this. I think alot of women go through the same thing. Great work, keep it up!
Marjorie N. (Elyadah) - 11/22/2009 2:05 PM ET
Tina, You are the beautiful workmanship of the Creator, who has called you by name. He, if you let Him would like to conform you into the image of His Son Jesus, for that is your destiny and the reason that you were born. He has gifted you with a writer's pen and wants to use you to speak to a hurting world. For you see, a new cycle in your life is just beginning. You were destined to be the daughter of "The King". That's who you are.
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