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Search - List of Books by David N. Weiss

David N. Weiss is an American writer and labor leader. He is a screenwriter of films, including All Dogs go to Heaven, Shrek 2, Clockstoppers, Boy Genius, and The Movie, and has also written for television shows such as Mission Hill. He has a son named Samuel and a daughter named Hannah; his wife is named Eliana.

He travels around the world to speak about his life.

He and his family live in Los Angeles, California.

In 2005, he was elected vice-president of the Writers Guild of America, West.

In 2009, after serving two terms as vice-president, Weiss was elected secretary-treasurer of the Writers Guild of America, West.

He is sometimes credited as David Weiss.

He was a former Reform Jew who converted to Christianity, and became a born-again Christian, and a Presbyterian youth worker, he later became a Modern Orthodox Jew, after first meeting an Orthodox Jew. Weiss’s first project after coming back to Judaism was the one of which he said he is most proud: the Rugrats Hanukkah special, which continues to be aired each year come December.
This author page uses material from the Wikipedia article "David N. Weiss", which is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share-Alike License 3.0
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