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Search - List of Books by Douglas A. Anderson

Douglas Allen Anderson (born 1959) is an author and editor on the subjects of fantasy and medieval literature, specializing in textual analysis of the works of J. R. R. Tolkien.

His first published book was The Annotated Hobbit (1988), which grew out of a study of the revisions made by Tolkien to the various editions of The Hobbit following the publication of The Lord of the Rings. The Annotated Hobbit won the Mythopoeic Award for scholarship. A revised edition was published in 2002.

Anderson's textual studies of The Lord of the Rings are the core of the Houghton Mifflin revised American edition of 1987, incorporating various changes made to British editions at Tolkien's direction. He also contributed a "Note on the Text" discussing the history of these changes, which was subsequently incorporated into later editions with various minor revisions.

With Verlyn Flieger and Michael D. C. Drout, he is co-editor of Tolkien Studies: An Annual Scholarly Review, (Volume 1, 2004; Volume 2, 2005; Volume 3, 2006; Volume 4, 2007; Volume 5, 2008; and Volume 6, 2009).

Anderson has also edited modern editions of works by other fantasists including Leonard Cline, Kenneth Morris and William Hope Hodgson.

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