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Search - List of Books by Florentia Sale

Lady Florentia Sale (née Wynch; 1790 – 1853) was an Englishwoman who, whilst married to her husband, Sir Robert Henry Sale, a British army officer, travelled the world whilst stationed with him. She was dubbed "the Grenadier in Petticoats" for her travels with the army, which took her to regions such as Mauritius, Burma and India, and various other areas under the control of the British Empire.

During the First Anglo-Afghan War, Lady Sale, along with other women and children, as well as soldiers, were kidnapped in 1842 for nine months. Lady Sale, however, bribed the Afghan officers into releasing them, and were then rescued by Sir Richmond Shakespeare on 17 September, 1842. A year later Lady Sale published her journal, which documented her experiences throughout the Afghan War, and the book received critical acclaim.

Lady Sale's husband died in 1845, leaving her widowed, and spent most of the rest of life in India. Sale died in July 1853, in Cape Town, present day South Africa.
This author page uses material from the Wikipedia article "Florentia Sale", which is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share-Alike License 3.0
Total Books: 3
A Journal of the First Afghan War
A Journal of the First Afghan War (Paperback)
ISBN-13: 9780192803900
ISBN-10: 0192803905
Genre: History

Lady Sale's Afghanistan an Indomitable Victorian Lady's Account of the Retreat from Kabul During the First Afghan War
Lady Sale's Afghanistan an Indomitable Victorian Lady's Account of the Retreat from Kabul During the First Afghan War