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Search - List of Books by Frank Gannon

Frank Gannon was born in Camden, New jersey, on August 30,1952.He grew up in New Jersey. He is a writer of humorous books and articles. He is a frequent contributor to the "Shouts and Murmurs" section of the New Yorker. He has also written four books; two are collections of humor pieces from magazines. One is a book about the Men's movement, and one is a book about Ireland. He often contributes to "The Funny Pages" section of the New York Times Magazine. He wrote a book, "Yo Poe" (1987) which featured a piece about Sylvester Stallone's desire to make a movie about Edgar Allan Poe. The piece has since appeared in many anthologies. His editor at the Times was John Hodgman, a well-known editor/writer/performer. Gannon was a White House Fellow during the administration of President Richard Nixon.

This page needs a disambiguation. There are a number of Frank Gannons, and the above appears to be confusing at least two, and maybe more.1. Frank Gannon (No.1) London School of Economics; ghost writer for Randolph Churchill; US television producer; aide/biographer to Richard Nixon; lived for many years with Diane Sawyer;editor of Saturday Review magazine (briefly); staff editor of Philip Morris magazine;

This author page uses material from the Wikipedia article "Frank Gannon", which is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share-Alike License 3.0
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