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Sir James Ware (26 November 1594 — 1 December 1666) was an Irish historian.

Born at Castle Street, Dublin, Ware was the eldest son of James Ware, who arrived in Ireland in 1588 as a secretary to Lord Deputy FitzWilliam. His father was knighted by King James I, was elected M.P. for Mallow in 1613, and served as auditor-general for Ireland till his death in 1632, in which capacity he was succeeded by his son.

James graduated from Trinity College Dublin in 1616, having received a good education in Latin and Greek. Becoming interested in Irish history, he began assembling a very fine collection of Irish manuscripts, and made transcriptions from works held in other collections, including that of his close friend James Ussher, Bishop of Meath. Knighted in 1629, Sir James was elected M.P. for the University of Dublin in 1634.

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Total Books: 17
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