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Laura Nader (born 1930) is an American anthropologist.

She has been a Professor of Anthropology at the University of California, Berkeley since 1960. (She was the first woman to receive a tenure-track position in the department.) She received a BA in Latin American Studies from Wells College in Aurora, NY in 1952. She received her Ph.D. in Anthropology from Radcliffe College (the women’s counterpart which joined Harvard in 1999) in 1961 under the mentorship of Clyde Kluckhohn. Her education included fieldwork in a Zapotec village in Oaxaca, Mexico, which nurtured her interest in law as it exists in various societies. This interest that began with her family, which stressed the importance of law and justice.

Her father Nathra owned a restaurant/store in Connecticut, which served as a place for many political discussions. Her mother, Rose, was a schoolteacher who had a strong interest in justice and would express her views in letters to the press. Her older deceased brother, Shafeek; her older sister, Claire and her younger brother, Ralph have all served in public interest careers. Gamal Nkrumah (2005) profiled Dr. Nader in the weekly online news out of Egypt and commented on her loyalties to her father who emigrated from Lebanon for political reasons, “Nader is very much her father's daughter. Only Ralph Nader, by far the most famous of the four, does not possess a PhD -- and that was his own choice. And it was her elder brother John -- himself a distinguished anthropologist -- who first suggested she read anthropology at university. He was her mentor at the time."

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Total Books: 13
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