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Search - List of Books by Lisa Tuttle

Lisa Tuttle (born in Houston, Texas 1952) is a science fiction, fantasy, and on occasion horror author. From 1981 to 1987 she was married to fellow writer Christopher Priest. She has been a UK resident since 1980 and currently lives in Scotland with her husband.

In the 1970s, Tuttle joined the Turkey City Writer's Workshop, a group of science fiction authors in Austin, Texas that included Howard Waldrop and Steven Utley. By 1974 she had gained attention with her stories and was the co-winner of the John W. Campbell Award for Best New Writer in Science Fiction. Her first novel came out in 1980 and was co-written with George R. R. Martin. In 1981, the year Tuttle was guest of honour at the first Microcon, she became the first, and still the only, person to refuse the Nebula Award for Best Short Story, for her story The Bone Flute.In 1989 she won the British BSFA award for short fiction. In 2005, a French short film was based on a story of hers.

Her science fiction works have been linked to feminist science fiction and she has written about feminism.One story, for example, would be Replacements, which has been included in American Gothic Tales from Joyce Carol Oates.

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