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Search - List of Books by Reinhold Schneider

Reinhold Schneider (born in Baden-Baden on May 13, 1903; died in Freiburg im Breisgau on April 6, 1958) was a German poet who also wrote novels. After a point his poetry had a Christian, specifically Catholic, influence even though he'd initially been less religious. His first works included Luís de Camões and Portugal He also wrote anti-war poems, which were banned in Nazi Germany. During the war Schneider had associates in the 'Kreisau Circle' and the 'Freiburger Konzil' which had links with anti-Nazi resistance; this, together with the underground publication of his works (he had been banned from publishing his work by the German authorities since Las Casas had appeared, which analysed the ways Christians should respond to state oppression and criticised Nazi persecution and anti-Semitism)and distribution of his tracts to the soldiers at the front led to him being accused of authoring defeatist literature. Successful charges would have found him guilty of high treason, but the war ended before a trial could be held against him.

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Total Books: 35
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