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Search - List of Books by Roger Woolger

Roger J. Woolger is a psychotherapist, lecturer and author specializing in past life regression spirit release and shamanic healing. He was educated at the University of Oxford and King's College London, where he gained degrees in psychology, religion and philosophy. He then trained as an analyst at the C. G. Jung Institute in Zürich. His method is today called Deep Memory Process.( )

He began his practice with conventional Jungian therapy methods, including dreamwork, but through this began to discover images which seemed to be past life memories. He found a therapeutic and spiritual value in this method, which entails trauma release, psychodrama, deep body therapy, Tibetan "bardo" work and shamanic spirit release. This synthesis is today called Deep Memory Process.(

His book on the subject, Other Lives, Other Selves (Doubleday, 1987), is recognized as a seminal and definitive work in the field. It has been translated into Portuguese, Dutch, German, French, Italian, Spanish and Japanese. He is one the twelve contributors to the standard work on regression therapy: William Blake Lucas (editor), Regression Therapy: A Handbook for Professionals, (2 volumes, Deep Forest Press, Crest Park, CA, 1993). Lucas writes in her Introduction: "[Woolger's] chapters on theory are the most innovative in the field and his book currently [1993] is the one most used in training" (p. 20). Part of his contributions to Lucas's handbook appears in Seymour Boorstein's compendium, Transpersonal Psychotherapy (2nd ed. State University of New York Press, 1996) under the title "Past-Life Regression Therapy",

His second book, The Goddess Within (1989), co-written with Jennifer Barker, examines feminine psychology in terms of Greek goddesses.

He also published Healing Your Past Lives (2004) and Body Psychotherapy and Regression in Tree (ed) Body Psychotherapy (2002). His unpublished M.Phil Thesis was onThe Spiritual Philosophy of Simone Weil (King's College, London University, 1970).

He has lectured widely. Presentations include the International Transpersonal Psychology Conference (1996), Beyond the Brain Conference (co-sponsored by the British Scientific and Medical Network and the Institute of Noetic Sciences, 1997), the First World Congress for Regression Therapy in Holland (2003), Beyond Death (sponsored by the Royal College of Psychiatrists, 2004, the Conference on Spirituality and Psychotherapy in New York (2006), the College of Psychic Studies in London(2008), the Third World Congress for Regression Therapy in Brazil (2008)

He has been a Professor at Vassar College, the University of Vermont and Concordia University, Montreal, as well as leading workshops at the New York Open Center, Omega Institute and Esalen Institute. He runs training programs in the US, UK, Holland, Portugal, Germany and Brazil.

He is a co-founder of the European Association for Regression Therapy EARTh // Hans Ten Dam and others

He is honorary President of the International Deep Memory Association (IDMA) // and directs annual European conferences for IDMA on Spiritual Healing: "Regression and Shamanism" (Portugal, 2006); "War and Human Memory" (Austria, 2006); "Exile and Longing to Return" (Ireland, 2008).

He is Founder and Director of O Instituto para O Psique e as Tradicoes Espirituais in Salvador, Brazil, 2008.

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