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Search - List of Books by V. Y. Mudimbe

Valentin Yves Mudimbe (born 1941) is a philosopher, professor, and author of books and articles about African culture, poems, and novels. He was born in the Belgian Congo, which became Zaire and is now the Democratic Republic of the Congo. As a young man, he joined a Benedictine monastery, but left in order to study the forces that shaped African history. He and his family left Zaire to escape the dictatorship of Mobutu in the early 1980s. After teaching at Haverford College and Stanford University, he now teaches at Duke University.

Mudimbe focuses most closely on phenomenology, structuralism, mythical narratives, and the practice and use of language. As a professor, he teaches classes on these topics, as wells as on ancient Greek cultural geography.

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