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Search - List of Books by Washburn

Total Books: 111
Amer Indians Their Hist [The Garland library of narratives of North American Indian captivities] (Hardcover)
Amer Tableaux No1 [The Garland library of narratives of North American Indian captivities] (Hardcover)
Boy Capt Being True [The Garland library of narratives of North American Indian captivities] (Hardcover)
Calvin Coolidge His First Biography
Calvin Coolidge His First Biography (Paperback)
ISBN-13: 9781153454308
ISBN-10: 1153454300

Capt Father Peter Mil [The Garland library of narratives of North American Indian captivities] (Hardcover)
ISBN-13: 9780824017200
ISBN-10: 082401720X

Capture Escape Life [The Garland library of narratives of North American Indian captivities] (Hardcover)
Coll Some Most Ind Wa [The Garland library of narratives of North American Indian captivities] (Hardcover)
Condensed Hist Apach [The Garland library of narratives of North American Indian captivities] (Hardcover)
ISBN-13: 9780824017262
ISBN-10: 0824017269

Contrast Evils War [The Garland library of narratives of North American Indian captivities] (Hardcover)
Converting Cultures
Converting Cultures [Social Sciences in Asia] (Paperback)
ISBN-13: 9789004158221
ISBN-10: 9004158227
Genre: Nonfiction

Dakota War Whoop [The Garland library of narratives of North American Indian captivities] (Hardcover)
ISBN-13: 9780824017026
ISBN-10: 0824017021

Decennium Luctuosum [The Garland Library of narratives of North American Indian captivities] (Hardcover)
Discovery Settle Present [The Garland library of narratives of North American Indian captivities] (Hardcover)
Discrete Mathematics
Discrete Mathematics (Paperback)
ISBN-13: 9780201619256
ISBN-10: 0201619253
Genres: Science & Math, Engineering & Transportation

Ebeneezer Washburn His Ancestors and Descendants With Some Connected Families a Family Story of 700 Years
Epitaph (Paperback)
ISBN-13: 9780671671877
ISBN-10: 0671671871
Genre: Literature & Fiction

Escape Alex Mconnell [The Garland library of narratives of North American Indian captivities] (Hardcover)
Essay Life Hon Putnam [The Garland library of narratives of North American Indian captivities] (Hardcover)
ISBN-13: 9780824016432
ISBN-10: 0824016432

Essay Record Illust [The Garland library of narratives of North American Indian captivities] (Hardcover)
ISBN-13: 9780824016265
ISBN-10: 0824016262

Five Years Captive [The Garland library of narratives of North American Indian captivities ; v. 74] (Hardcover)
Four Year Rockies [The Garland library of narratives of North American Indian captivities] (Hardcover)
ISBN-13: 9780824017187
ISBN-10: 0824017188

French and Indian Cruelty / [The Garland library of narratives of North American Indian captivities] (Hardcover)
Gathered Sketches Early [The Garland library of narratives of North American Indian captivities] (Hardcover)
Gods Mercy Surmounting [The Garland library of narratives of North American Indian captivities] (Hardcover)
Heroic Women West [The Garland library of narratives of North American Indian captivities] (Hardcover)
Hist Reminis of Holiness ["The Higher Christian life"] (Hardcover)
ISBN-13: 9780824064488
ISBN-10: 0824064488

Hist Life Adv Anderson [The Garland library of narratives of North American Indian captivities] (Hardcover)
Hist Spirit Lake [The Garland Library of Narratives of North American Indian Captives ; V. 72] (Hardcover)
The History of Maria Kittle / [The Garland library of narratives of North American Indian captivities] (Hardcover)
The History of Paraguay With Notes of Personal Observations and Reminiscences of Diplomacy Under Difficulties
History of the Captivity of David Boyd / [The Garland library of narratives of North American Indian captivities] (Hardcover)
Horrid Cruel Indiana [The Garland library of narratives of North American Indian captivities] (Hardcover)
In the Bosom of the Comanches / [The Garland library of narratives of North American Indian captivities] (Hardcover)
Ind Atrocities Affect [The Garland library of narratives of North American Indian captivities] (Hardcover)
ISBN-13: 9780824016852
ISBN-10: 0824016858

Injurious Insects and Useful Birds Successful Control of Farm Pests
Interesting Narrative Baker [The Garland library of narratives of North American Indian captivities] (Hardcover)
Joseph Brown Young Brown [The Garland library of narratives of North American Indian captivities] (Hardcover)
Journal Kept Nootka [The Garland library of narratives of North American Indian captivities] (Hardcover)
ISBN-13: 9780824016524
ISBN-10: 0824016521

Journal Wm Scudder [The Garland library of narratives on North American Indian captivities, v. 22] (Hardcover)
The Law of Gaming  Gambling Policies  Principles
The Law of Gaming Gambling Policies Principles (Hardcover)
ISBN-13: 9780735588455
ISBN-10: 0735588457

Life Adv Lafferty [The Garland library of narratives of North American Indian captivities] (Hardcover)
Life Adv Wm Filley [The Garland library of narratives of North American Indian captivities] (Hardcover)
Life Dr Wm Carver [The Garland library of narratives of North American Indian captivities] (Hardcover)
Manners Cust Sev Ind [The Garland library of narratives of North American Indian captivities] (Hardcover)
ISBN-13: 9780824016630
ISBN-10: 0824016637

Matilda Ind Captive [The Garland library of narratives of North American Indian captivities] (Hardcover)
Memoir Abijah Hutchinson [The Garland library of narratives of North American Indian captivities] (Hardcover)
ISBN-13: 9780824016838
ISBN-10: 0824016831

Memoirs Charles D Rusoe [The Garland library of narratives of North American Indiana captivities] (Hardcover)
Merkwurdige Inter Leb [The Garland library of narratives of North American Indian captivities] (Hardcover)
Message Pres of U S [The Garland library of narratives of North American Indian captivities] (Hardcover)
Mis Mac Rea [The Garland Library of narratives of North American Indian captivities] (Hardcover)
Narr Cap Suff B Gilbert [The Garland library of narratives of North American Indian captivities] (Hardcover)
ISBN-13: 9780824016395
ISBN-10: 0824016394

Narr Capt Abel Janne [The Garland library of narratives of North American Indian captivities] (Hardcover)
Narr Capt Cl Plummer [The Garland library of narratives of North American Indian captivities] (Hardcover)
Narr Capt Mrs Johnson [The Garland library of narratives of North American Indian captivities] (Hardcover)
Narr Captiv Adv Tann [The Garland library of narratives of North American Indian captivities] (Hardcover)
ISBN-13: 9780824016708
ISBN-10: 082401670X

Narr Capture Providen [The Garland library of narratives of North American Indian captivities] (Hardcover)
Narr Capture Treat J Dodge [The Garland library of narratives of North American Indian captivities ; v. 12] (Hardcover)
Narr Life Mary Jemins [The Garland library of narratives of North American Indian captivities] (Hardcover)
Narr Lords Wonderful Deal [The Garland library of narratives of North American Indian captivities] (Paperback)
Narr My Capture Sioux [The Garland library of narratives of North American Indian captivities] (Hardcover)
Narr Suffer Massy Har [The Garland library of narratives of North America Indian captivities] (Hardcover)
Narr Tragic Death Bar [The Garland library of narratives of North American Indian captivities] (Hardcover)
Narrative Capt Cert Amer3 [The Garland library of narratives of North American Indian captivities] (Hardcover)
Narrative of the Seminole War and the Miraculous Escape of Mary Godfrey [The Garland library of narratives of North American Indian captivities] (Hardcover)
Natl Todd Fate Sioux [The Garland library of narratives of North American Indian captivities] (Hardcover)
Notes Settle Ind Wars [The Garland library of narratives of North American Indian captivities] (Hardcover)
Old Record Capt Marge [The Garland library of narratives of North American Indian captivities] (Hardcover)
Orphans Exp Hunter [The Garland library of narratives of North American Indian captivities] (Hardcover)
Personal Narr James [The Garland library of narratives of North American Indian captivities] (Hardcover)
A Plain Narrative / [The Garland library of narratives of North American Indian captivities] (Hardcover)
Pocket Prose Verse [The Garland library of narratives of North American Indian captivities] (Hardcover)
Post Capt Wooden Wall [The Garland library of narratives of North American Indian captivities] (Hardcover)
Redeemed Captive Return [The Garland library of narratives of North American Indian captives ; v. 5] (Hardcover)
Regina German Captive [The Garland library of narratives of North American Indian captivities] (Hardcover)
Return Captive Peom [The Garland library of narratives of North American Indian captivities] (Hardcover)
Savage Barbarism Tran [The Garland library of narratives of North American Indian captivities] (Hardcover)
Select Some in Volience [The Garland library of narratives of North American Indian captivites] (Hardcover)
Seminole Chief Billy [The Garland library of narratives of North American Indian captivities] (Hardcover)
Seth Jones Captive [The Garland library of narratives of North American Indian captivities] (Hardcover)
Seven and Nine Years [The Garland library of narratives of North American Indian captivities] (Hardcover)
Short Sketch Life Mundon [The Garland library of narratives of North American Indiane captivities ; v. 24] (Hardcover)
Sketch Life John Reary [The Garland library of narratives of North American Indian captivities] (Hardcover)
Sketches Western Adv [The Garland library of narratives of North American Indian captivities] (Hardcover)
Story Capt Jaspar [The Garland library of narratives of North American Indian captivities] (Hardcover)
Tales Northwest Sketc [The Garland library of narratives of North American Indian captivities] (Hardcover)
Ten Year Upper Canada [The Garland library of narratives of North American Indian captivities] (Hardcover)
Three Yrs Among Caman [The Garland library of narratives of North American Indian captivities] (Hardcover)
Travels Adv Canada [The Garland library of narratives of North American Indian captivities] (Hardcover)
True Narr Daniel [The Garland library of narratives of North American Indian captivities] (Hardcover)
True Story New England [The Garland library of narratives of North American Indian captivities] (Hardcover)
Two Months Camp Big [The Garland library of narratives of North American Indian captivities ; v. 95] (Hardcover)
Us Congress House [The Garland library of narratives of North American Indian captivities] (Hardcover)
Ute War History [The Garland library of narratives of North American Indian captivities] (Hardcover)
Wau Bun Early Days [The Garland library of narratives of North American Indian captivities] (Hardcover)
Wild Life Far West [The Garland library of narratives of North American Indian captivities] (Hardcover)
Wunderbare Flucht Wil [The Garland library of narratives of North American Indian captivities] (Hardcover)
Young Merchant Indian [The Garland library of narratives of North American Indian captivities] (Hardcover)