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Search - List of Books by William Archibald Dunning

William Archibald Dunning (1857-1922) was an American historian who founded the Dunning School of Reconstruction historiography at Columbia University, where he had graduated in 1881. Between 1886 and 1903 he taught history at Columbia, and was named a professor in 1904.New International Encyclopedia Born in Plainfield, N. J., Dunning was among the founders of the American Historical Association and AHA president in 1913.

Dunning's views were disputed by W. E. B. Du Bois beginning in 1901, and were criticized by progressive historian Howard K. Beale in the 1940s, condemned by John Hope Franklin in a number of his books, including, Militant South and Reconstruction: after the Civil War. The viewpoint of Dunning and his followers was warmly sympathetic to former slave owners who had led some southern states to secede from the United States. Followers of the Dunning School of historians opposed participation in government by African Americans, and they argued that the people freed from slavery were inferior and, on that basis of the inferiority these historians alleged, should not vote.

"Dunning admits that "The legislation of the reorganized governments, under cover of police regulations and vagrancy laws, had enacted severe discriminations against the freedmen in all the common civil rights."

In Black Reconstruction in America, Du Bois characterized Dunning's Reconstruction, Political and Economic as a "standard, anti-Negro" text. Du Bois also wrote that Dunning believed "the Negro to be sub-human and congenitally unfitted for citizenship and the suffrage."

According to Eric Foner in the preface to his book Reconstruction, Dunning ignored Du Bois and his contributions to the history of Reconstruction which centered on the people freed from slavery.

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