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Rhonda S. (RhondaS) - Reviews

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Alchemy and Academe
Alchemy and Academe
Author: Anne McCaffrey
Book Type: Mass Market Paperback
  • Currently 3.2/5 Stars.
Review Date: 11/13/2007
Helpful Score: 1

When a young man living in an abandoned castle discovers he has strange and wonderful powers, he's delighted--until he begins to think about it. This book is one of the best by a master of the genre

American History Ink: The Struggle for Independence
Review Date: 11/12/2007

a cool comic book format that gives engaging stories about the American Revolution

Ancient Greeks (Focus on)
Ancient Greeks (Focus on)
Author: Anita Ganeri
Book Type: Hardcover
  • Currently 4.5/5 Stars.
Review Date: 4/4/2007
Helpful Score: 1

offers lavish illustrations and brief descriptions of interest in topics from the ancient Greek cultures, such as what happened to the legendary city of Atlantis . .. when, where, and why were the first Olympic held, etc

The Ancient Roman City (Ancient Society and History)
Review Date: 11/17/2006

This book combines a chronological accounty of Roman topography and growth, extending from the eighth century, bc to the tird century, ad. The text is enhancec by numerous illustrations--stie and buliding lans, drawings, and pictographs

Angels & Demons (Robert Langdon, Bk 1)
Angels & Demons (Robert Langdon, Bk 1)
Author: Dan Brown
Book Type: Mass Market Paperback
  • Currently 3.9/5 Stars.
Review Date: 6/17/2007
Helpful Score: 8

This is a thrill a minute book but what I liked about it was the solid historical background, which emphasizes the repression of scientific discovery by the Church.

Anthology of American Literature, Volume I: Colonial Through Romantic (7th Edition)
Review Date: 12/11/2006

American literature, from colonial times through Walt Whitman, book unmarked and like new condition

Review Date: 12/11/2006

America literature from Walt Whitman through the present, book unmarked, in nearly new condition

An Anthology of Elizabethan Prose Fiction (The World's Classics)
Review Date: 10/27/2006

contains The Adventures of Master F.J., The Anatomy of Wit, Pandosto, The Triumph of Time, The Unfortunate Traveller, and Jack of Newberry, with explanatory notes

Aristotle in 90 Minutes (Philosophers in 90 Minutes)
Review Date: 11/21/2007
Helpful Score: 1

This is the second in a series of translations of Descartes' more imporant works. It is very helpful to the serious student of philosophy because it explains key concepts in concrete and understandable terms.

Aristotle Poetics
Aristotle Poetics
Author: S.H. Butcher (Translator), Aristotle
Book Type: Paperback
Review Date: 12/8/2006

This book contains the celebrated Butcher translation of Aristotle's Poetics, faced, page by page, with the complete Greek text. The editor's 300-page exposition and interpretation follows. I just bought this one in hardback.

The Art Of Life : An Anthology of Literature about Life and Work
Review Date: 12/14/2007

The Art of Life is an anthology of literature about the personal qualities that are the foundation of success in life and work. It contains more than 50 literature selections organized by themes that represent attitudes and characteristics for success: honesty, initiative, respect, courage, responsibility, compassion, perseverance, etc.

These contemporary readings represent a diversity of genres and cultures.

I found this book of particular value in teaching character development units. I recommend it especially to high school teachers.

Art of Socratic Questioning
Review Date: 12/11/2006

Socratic questining is disciplined questioning that can be used to pursue thought in many directions and for many purposes. Teachers, students, or indeed anyone interested in probing thinking at a deep level can and should construct Socratic questiosn and engage in Socratic dialogue. This book explains the method and its uses.

Assertive Discipline: Resource Materials Workbook, Secondary, 7-12
Review Date: 10/4/2007

This is a very helpful book especially for beginning teachers. It covers how to develop an assertive classroom discipline plan, gives a chapter of classroom reproducibles for rewarding students or correcting behavior, discusses how to develop an schoolwide assertive discipline plan, and has schoolwide reproducibles.

Band of Brothers : E Company, 506th Regiment, 101st Airborne from Normandy to Hitler's Eagle's Nest
Review Date: 6/21/2006

love it, read it twice

Baroque and Rococo (Universe History of Art and Architecture)
Baroque and Rococo (Universe History of Art and Architecture)
Author: Erich Hubala
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 5/5 Stars.
Review Date: 12/8/2006

This is perhaps the best, most concise and reliable introduction to Baroque and Rococo styles that can be found today. Like new condition, many illustrations.

Beyond the Window (Treasury of Literature)
Review Date: 10/26/2006

This is an excellent book for middle school children. It hwas tales from around the word, ranging from Afrida to Mexico to China. It is beautifully illustrated. My children loved it

The Bible As/in Literature (Points of Departure)
The Bible As/in Literature (Points of Departure)
Author: James S. Ackerman, John Sweet
Book Type: Hardcover
  • Currently 2.5/5 Stars.
Review Date: 12/14/2007

presents key biblical selections with literature that relates to them. From Genesis to Revelations, and from the hilarious Adam's Diary of Mark teain to the ominous power of MacLeish's Epistle to be Left in the Earth, this book helps readers recognize bilblical allusions, symbols and themes in literature and the other humanities, including the visual arts.

excellent book, for students and teachers

Bitter Sweet
Bitter Sweet
Author: LaVyrle Spencer
Book Type: Mass Market Paperback
  • Currently 3.8/5 Stars.
Review Date: 10/25/2006

Maggie . ..Eric. . heir memory of young love blossoms into an affair that will shake their lives and challenge everything they believe in.

Blood Roses
Blood Roses
Author: Jeanette Baker
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 2.1/5 Stars.
Review Date: 6/21/2006

average, okay if you're stuck in an airport somewhere

The Book of Hope
The Book of Hope
Author: Book of Hope (Editors)
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 3.8/5 Stars.
Review Date: 12/8/2006

"I don't understand. It all seems so overwhelming. It's never good enough. What's the point? What does live mean?" This book answers those questions so often posed by teens and others.

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