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Cindy P. (eclecticfirefly) - , - Reviews

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13 Bullets (Laura Caxton, Bk 1)
13 Bullets (Laura Caxton, Bk 1)
Author: David Wellington
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 3.7/5 Stars.
Review Date: 8/3/2011
Helpful Score: 1

What can I say..... I liked Laura's character. She seemed like a real person to me. Trying to do the best job she can. Wanting to live up to other people's expectations. But having to do those things in the context of her not quite conventional life.

Arkeley was a tough guy to like. He was only interested in how other people could help him get rid of the vampires. Didn't matter to him if they died in the process. He seemed to think everyone involved was of lesser importance than accomplishing his task. That extreme single-mindedness was off-putting. His zealousness does become easier to understand later on in the book, but he was still unlikeable.

There was blood spurting, limbs torn asunder, attacks by vampires and half-bloods, and a twist near the end that I had thought might happen. The vampires in this book are not the suave but dangerous fellows we have all known and loved. They exist only to survive. And to survive, they must drink blood. More and more blood the older they become. They aren't sexual creatures at all. These are not creatures that could ever assimilate into society.

Overall, I enjoyed reading this story. I will be looking to obtain the next book in the series. I would love to learn more about Laura, and see what she does next. I'm also wondering what is in store for Arkeley.

Author: Mike Lancaster
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 3.7/5 Stars.
Review Date: 7/11/2023

YA science fiction/dystopian novel. The story unfolds as a transcription of a tape from the early 21st Century that was found in an undisclosed future time. There is an Editor's Note at the beginning explaining this, as well as occasional editor's notes within the transcription. These notes are easily discernable by use of a bold print within a box. Very interesting premis. Essentially, the human population has been upgraded all at the same time. Except for a few people, in this case 4 individuals who were hypnotised. It was a very quick read, but kept my interest the entire book.

2 A.M. at The Cat's Pajamas
2 A.M. at The Cat's Pajamas
Author: Marie-Helene Bertino
Book Type: Hardcover
  • Currently 2.6/5 Stars.
Review Date: 5/21/2018

Cute story about a very precocious 9 year old. Her (deceased) mother was a jazz singer (among other things) and she aspires to be one too. Her father is almost completely out of the picture. He spends all day every day stuck in his room with the door locked. Madeleine pretty much takes care of herself, along with the help of neighbors and local shop owners who knew her mother. The Cat's Pajamas is a jazz club in town. It used to be the #1 club, but has been declining in recent years. The whole book takes place in just 1 day - Christmas Eve Eve.

I enjoyed the book. There is some bad language. When Madeleine sings, strange things happen, That part was kinda cool, but completely unbelievable. Just accept it and keep going.

Ache (Nanocaust) (Volume 1)
Ache (Nanocaust) (Volume 1)
Author: Kelvin Myers
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 4/5 Stars.
Review Date: 4/20/2018

I really enjoyed this book. Set in a future dystopian society. Everyone (almost) has an implant that allows them to use nanobots for all kinds of things. Body modification, mood enhancers, strength and agility enhancers, etc. A major nano producer has their factory in the city where the story is set. People receive vials of nanos as part of their payment for working.

Most people become complacent, and use the nanos regularly. Some become so addicted to the highs, they become "burners" and use up their nanos very quickly creating an extreme high. There are a few rebels who refuse to use the nanos.

There is a moral dilemma set up pretty quickly in the book. It took until the very end to resolve, but it was worth the wait. Plenty of action. Great characters. Definitely worth the read!

Author: Constance Sharper
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 4.5/5 Stars.
Review Date: 5/31/2011

This debut novel takes a risk and includes a rare paranormal character - harpies.

According to the dictionary, a harpy is: "A rapacious monster described as having a woman's head and body and a bird's wings and claws or depicted as a bird of prey with a woman's face." In her novel, harpies come in both male and female. They are bad-tempered beings, quick to anger and intolerant of humans. The vast majority of humans have no idea that harpies even exist.

Avery attends The Mayweather Academy, a boarding school in Alaska. She notices a tall man watching her as she returns to school for the fall semester. It seems that she has somehow obtained a magical amulet that belongs to a Harpy Prince. The fun begins......

I enjoyed this book. The harpies are great characters, and Avery is your typical teenager. Not popular, or even especially brainy, she has a best friend, Leela, and boy troubles. Or, shall we say, lack of boy troubles. That changes once Mason, the Harpy Prince's son, comes into her life.

I don't want to give away too much of the story, but there is plenty of action and magic involved, along with some teen angst. Does Avery really like Mason, or are her feelings a result of the drastic situations they find themselves in? Does Mason have feelings for Avery, or is he just out to reclaim the magic Avery possesses?

This isn't a tender YA book, but neither is it overly graphic. I would recommend it for ages 14+. I am definitely going to be looking for the next book in this series.

Angel of Darkness (Fallen, Bk 1)
Angel of Darkness (Fallen, Bk 1)
Author: Cynthia Eden
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 3.7/5 Stars.
Review Date: 9/1/2012

Keenan is an Angel of Death. One touch from him and your soul departs your body.

Nicole is a school teacher who is attacked by a vampire. Keenan is supposed to take Nicole's soul, but instead he kills the vampire. His wings are taken from him and he is Fallen.

Good story. I especially liked how Keenan becomes more human throughout the book.

An Artificial Night (October Day, Bk 3)
An Artificial Night (October Day, Bk 3)
Author: Seanan McGuire
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 4.1/5 Stars.
Review Date: 8/8/2015

I'm really loving this series and kinda kicking myself for waiting so long to start them!

Toby is always putting herself in harm's way to help someone else. Usually someone not strong enough to help themselves. This time a little of Toby's help comes from a strange place. Her "Fetch" comes to her door. A Fetch is a harbinger of death. They don't always appear to the Fae, but when they do it is supposed to signal that their end is very near.

This time Toby goes up against Blind Michael. He is a Firstborn and possibly the most powerful living Fae. He runs the Hunt and ever 100 years takes both Fae and Human children to replace the riders and mounts that he has lost over the years. This time, he takes 2 children of one of Toby's best friends. Another of their children has fallen asleep and can't awaken.

In order to get to Blind Michael's lands, Toby goes to the Luadieg for help. And the adventure begins.

I give this book a solid 4 stars. The writing is solid, and although I'm not one to read critically, there weren't any obvious plot holes or dropped threads. At least, not that I wondered about at the time. Still plenty of relationships, people, etc. for future books. That's a good thing, cuz there are currently 5 more in the series and I don't think it's done yet!

These books are more serious than her Incryptid novels, but every bit as enjoyable.

The Axeman's Jazz
The Axeman's Jazz
Author: Ray Celestin
Book Type: Hardcover
  • Currently 5/5 Stars.
Review Date: 1/3/2016

Historical mysteries aren't my usual genre, but I really enjoyed this book. Loved the setting, anything that takes place in New Orleans is interesting to me.

The book is more about the search for The Axeman rather than the actual murders. No explicit gory scenes of people being murdered, although the end result is mentioned, just not in detail.

So, more of a character study. Enjoyable. Not really a quick read, but it kept me interested and invested in the story.

Bad Man
Bad Man
Author: Dathan Auerbach
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 4/5 Stars.
Review Date: 9/9/2021

Wow.... I did not see that coming!

Very dark tale of an older brother's search for his missing younger brother. Definitely dark and slow moving story. Developed characters. The ending... What can I say? It was open to the readers interpretation. I personally didn't mind it. I thought it was fitting to the rest of the story.

Banished (Hailey Tarbell, Bk 1)
Banished (Hailey Tarbell, Bk 1)
Author: Sophie Littlefield
Book Type: Hardcover
  • Currently 4.1/5 Stars.
Review Date: 8/3/2011
Helpful Score: 1

The story takes place in a small town. Hailey is a Sophomore in High School. Not only is she from the wrong side of town, but she is considered the lowest of the low. She has no friends and is quite shy. She lives with her Grandmother and a 4 year old foster child named Chub.

Hailey is the caretaker of the family. She cooks and cleans, does her homework, cares for Chub and Rascal, the family dog. Her dream is to get out of town and take Chub with her.

But, then something strange happens...... A girl in gym class is injured and Hailey feels an almost uncontrollable need to place her hands on the girl. When she finally does, the girl wakes up and appears to be fine. Is she grateful? No way! She believes that Hailey has cursed her.

Not long after Hailey's aunt comes to visit. Of course this is quite a surprise to Hailey, since she didn't know she even had an Aunt.

From this point on the action really starts. And.....there are zombies! YEAH!!!! ZOMBIES!!!!

Great book! There HAS to be a sequel. There just HAS TO!!! Yes, I will be reading it. I will also be looking for more of this author's books.

Author: Mr. Terry Maggert
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 4.5/5 Stars.
Review Date: 6/14/2022

Post Apocalyptic story. In this world, first came The Rising, when dragons awoke and emerged from the depths. They tried to warn humas of what was to come. Now, each new moon brings an influx of monsters from caves, holes in the ground, oceans, rivers, etc. Mankind has been reduced to pockets of settlers who try desperately to thrive under these horrific conditions.

Mr. Maggert's imagination is staggering. No monster is quite like another. The main characters are fairly well fleshed out. The dragons who help humanity fight the monsters even have their own personalities. I thoroughly enjoyed this one.

Bear Meets Girl (Pride, Bk 7)
Bear Meets Girl (Pride, Bk 7)
Author: Shelly Laurenston
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 4.2/5 Stars.
Review Date: 9/1/2012
Helpful Score: 2

Shelly always seems to write such wonderfully funny and sexy books. I never thought LOL funny and uber hawt sexy could go together - but she manages to do it every time.

Bitten in Two (Jaz Parks, Bk 7)
Bitten in Two (Jaz Parks, Bk 7)
Author: Jennifer Rardin
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 4.3/5 Stars.
Review Date: 8/3/2011
Helpful Score: 1

I always enjoy the escapades of Jaz and Vayl. In this book, Miles plays a starring role and comes into his own as a kick-a$$ character. Good for him!

I was going to give it 4 stars.....but then I remembered the quote I found. My favorite quote of all time!

This quote is good on it's own. But for full effect, must be read in context.

"'His dickness was so far beyond help they decided to amputate.' I think that's--Vayl? Are you...laughing? About the serious malady of dickness?"

All spoken by Jazz to Vayl.

So. Needless to say, I will definitely be reading the last book in this series just as soon as I can possibly get it in my hot little hands. I'm just sad the series is ending.....

Black Magic Woman (Quincey Morris, Bk 1)
Black Magic Woman (Quincey Morris, Bk 1)
Author: Justin Gustainis
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 3.6/5 Stars.
Review Date: 9/11/2012
Helpful Score: 1

Nice start to an Urban Fantasy series. I can see the possibility of Quincy and Libby becoming closer in future books. Loved the way they worked together.

No teen angst here. Even though there are zombies, werewolves, and even a mention of Dracula, the main conflict involves two families of witches. One practices white magic and the other practices black magic.

I love that there isn't a cliffhanger at the end of the book. Everything wraps up nicely. I'll definitely continue with the series.

The Blue Moon Cafe
The Blue Moon Cafe
Author: Rick R. Reed
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 2.9/5 Stars.
Review Date: 8/3/2011
Helpful Score: 1

The werewolves in this story truly are werewolves. Except for one thing. A bite will not "change" someone, being a werewolf is an hereditary thing. The wolf only comes out during a full moon and they usually restrict themselves to hunting animals.

But someone is hunting humans. Gay, male humans.

Thad is at loose ends in his life. He lost his job and hasn't had any luck finding another. He is a likable fellow trying to find his way. I liked Thad. I felt his excitment when he met Sam and his need for a friend when he met Jared.

Sam seemed a little aloof. Guess he needed to be. I loved that he was older and actually (GASP!) had hair on his chest!!! I longed to be Thad's fingers playing with that hairy chest.....

Jared was fun. A light-hearted soul who managed to grow up. He was still fun, but I was rooting for him from the moment I realized he was waiting for Thad to notice him as more than a friend.

There were some nail-biting moments, but overall this was a story about love. In all it's forms.

Bringing Back the Dead
Bringing Back the Dead
Author: Joe Domenici
Book Type: Hardcover
  • Currently 3.8/5 Stars.
Review Date: 6/6/2009
Helpful Score: 2

This book starts out with a short backstory on each of the main characters and tells how they got into the military. It then moves to Vietnam where they are all part of a Special Forces team. It tells a little about their time in Vietnam and one particular operation they were sent out on. The main part of the book takes place in Southern Florida after all the guys are retired. They are called back together to search for one of their missing comrades.

This book read very quickly and the suspense kept building. Joe includes enough detail about the weapons used by each man to give even a non-military person a good idea of the weaponry, but not so much that the descriptions bog down the plot. Each chapter starts with a snippet from the Special Forces Combat Manual.

Even though it is described as a military thriller (I don't usually read many of those), the military aspects of it are not the main thrust of the story. Yes, they are important - they explain the bond between the men and how they received their training - but actually this is a thriller with the military point of view.

Joe is a member here at PBS - he does have a second book in the works - I can hardly wait!!!!

But My Boyfriend Is (Florida, Bk 4)
But My Boyfriend Is (Florida, Bk 4)
Author: K. A. Mitchell
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 3.7/5 Stars.
Review Date: 2/19/2016

I had a hard time with this book. Dylan is not a likable character at all. His brothers are not really likable either. The only character that I enjoyed was Joey. He was FUN! He was also the most sensible one of the whole bunch.

Dylan is so adamant that he isn't gay. Even though he goes to a local park for hook-ups. And he is still just as adamant even after he becomes involved on a regular basis with Mike. He says some hurtful things, many times over, to Mike. Not really sure why Mike kept letting him come around.

I almost DNF'd this book more than once. I read some reviews on Amazon and kept going. The last few pages were much better, so I'm glad I kept going.

The Calling (Darkness Rising Bk. 2)
The Calling (Darkness Rising Bk. 2)
Author: Kelley Armstrong
Book Type: Hardcover
  • Currently 3.9/5 Stars.
Review Date: 9/28/2012

I'm really enjoying this new series. Plenty of action and just a touch of romance. Of course, there is a pretty hefty cliffhanger at the end. Now I'm itching for the next installment!

Captivate (Need, Bk 2)
Captivate (Need, Bk 2)
Author: Carrie Jones
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 4.1/5 Stars.
Review Date: 8/20/2012
Helpful Score: 1

My emotions ran the gamut from excited to heartbroken....

Nick is such a good boyfriend. Protective, loving, kind. Then Astley shows up in town. He is a pixie king who believes that Zara is destined to be his queen. Sounds like a typical YA lovers triangle - but it isn't. Zara doesn't trust or love Astley. After all, he is a pixie!

Are all pixies inherently evil? Can some pixies be good, just like humans? It seems like there may actually be some good pixies in the world. But, with the huge cliffhanger at the end, can we really be sure of that?

Caressa's Knees
Caressa's Knees
Author: Annabel Joseph
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 4.1/5 Stars.
Review Date: 8/3/2011

This was my first book by Annabel Joseph. As I was reading the synopsis, it called to me...... I was a music major in college, and I always love reading books that have a strong musical content. This one did not disappoint!

I adore the way Caressa compared her relationship with Kyle in musical terms. While that might be frustrating for someone who isn't familiar with the terms, it really worked for me. The story is filled with both tender and frustrating moments. I could sympathize with Caressa and the stress she felt before a concert. I could also understand the frustration of her aunt and Kyle concerning Caressa's moods.

I can't say enough good things about this book. I loved it from the beginning to the end. The story had a very nice HEA - and then it had an Epilogue. If it is possible, the Epilogue made the HEA even better. I only wish Annabel had called it a Coda, in keeping with the other musical terms used throughout the book.

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