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Topic: SF Challenge 11/09-11/10: TRACKING THREAD

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PhoenixFalls avatar
Subject: SF Challenge 11/09-11/10: TRACKING THREAD
Date Posted: 10/14/2009 8:52 PM ET
Member Since: 4/18/2009
Posts: 1,376
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Hey folks! To make discussions a little easier to navigate, I'm dividing the challenge into two threads: one to track progress, and one to ask questions or to ask for and provide recommendations or to talk about anything else that comes up. This thread is the tracking thread, so everyone that is taking part should post in it EXACTLY ONE TIME: post a list (which you will fill in as you go) of the categories with your name in the subject line. (See my example, which I will post ASAP.)


Here is the formal challenge:

You must read one book (that you haven't read before) in each of the following 40 categories in one year:

Subgenre Challenges:
1. Hard SF
2. Soft or Social SF
3. Cyberpunk
4. Time Travel
5. Alternate History
6. Military SF
7. Superhuman
8. Apocalyptic/Post-Apocalyptic
9. Space Opera
10. Steampunk
11. Feminist SF
12. First Contact
13. Science Fiction masquerading as Fantasy
14. Young Adult

Authorial Challenges
15. Work written by a Grand Master
16. Work written pre-1950
17. Work originally written in a language other than English
18. Work written the year you were born
19. Work written by a non-Caucasian author
20. Work written by a female author
21. Anthology
22. Work by an author you haven't read before

Character Challenges
23. Work with a male first-person narrator
24. Work with a female first-person narrator
25. Work with a non-human viewpoint character for at least 50% of the text
26. Work with a third person omniscient narrator
27. Work with a third-person limited, multi-perspective viewpoint

Setting Challenges
28. Work set on Earth with no space travel
29. Work set in a human interstellar empire
30. Work set on a single human planet that is not Earth (may or may not have contact with Earth)
31. Work set in a galaxy with multiple non-human intelligences in contact with humans
32. Work set on a space ship (non-generation ship)
33. Work set on a generation ship (may take place at any point in voyage, including beginning and ending)
34. Work set on a permanent man-made habitat in space (i.e. a space station)

Award Challenges
35. Work that has won the Hugo Award
36. Work that has wont he Nebula Award
37. Work that has won the Locus Award
38. Work that has won the James Tiptree, Jr. Award
39. Work that has won the John W. Campbell Award
40. Work that has won the Philip K. Dick Award


As discussed, a maximum of five books can double-qualify, none may triple qualify, so if you complete the challenge you will have read 35-40 books.


UPDATE: For those on track to finish the challenge ahead of time, there are now overachiever options. To count these categories, you MUST complete the challenge prior to 10/31/2010, though the overachiever books may be read at any point within the challenge year. The categories currently are:

41. Multiverse setting
42. Humans on Mars
43. SF Mystery
44. Final Ballot for 2009 Nebula (to be announced Feb 2010)
45. Vampire SF
46. Alien Invasion
47. Final Ballot for 2010 Hugo (to be announced Mar 2010)
48. Locus Recommended Reading List for 2009
49. Aurora Award Winner
50. British Science Fiction Association Award Winner
51. SF Comedy

If you wish to add a category to the overachiever section, suggest it in the Discussion thread; if it receives a total of three votes it will be added.

Last Edited on: 12/20/09 4:20 AM ET - Total times edited: 3
PhoenixFalls avatar
Subject: PhoenixFalls Tracking
Date Posted: 10/14/2009 8:55 PM ET
Member Since: 4/18/2009
Posts: 1,376
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1. Hard SF: The Risen Empire, by Scott Westerfeld. Start date: 4/5/10. Finish date: 4/6/10. Rating: 5 stars.
2. Soft or Social SF: Inheritor, by C.J. Cherryh. Start date: 9/7/10. Finish date: 9/7/10. Rating: 3 stars.
3. Cyberpunk: Neuromancer, by William Gibson. Start date: 8/12/10. Finish date: 8/17/10. Rating: 4 stars.
4. Time Travel: Sky Coyote, by Kage Baker. Start date: 12/18/09. Finish date: 12/24/09. Rating: 4 1/2 stars.
5. Alternate History: Farthing, by Jo Walton. Start date: 11/21/09. Finish date: 11/21/09. Rating: 5 stars.

6. Military SF: Broken Angels, by Richard Morgan. Start date: 9/17/10. Finish date: 9/18/10. Rating: 3 stars.
7. Superhuman: Mendoza in Hollywood, by Kage Baker. Start date: 1/2/10. Finish date: 1/4/09. Rating: 3 1/2 stars.
8. Apocalyptic/Post-Apocalyptic: Earthling, by Tony Daniel. Start date: 2/11/10. Finish date: 2/16/10. Rating: 4 stars.
9. Space Opera: Absolution Gap, by Alastair Reynolds. Start date: 8/27/10. Finish date: 9/28/10. Rating: 2 1/2 stars.
10. Steampunk: Not Less Than Gods, by Kage Baker. Start date: 3/31/10. Finish date: 4/1/10. Rating: 3 1/2 stars.
11. Feminist SF: Six Moon Dance, by Sheri S. Tepper. Start date: 6/24/10. Finish date: 6/26/10. Rating: 4 1/2 stars.
12. First Contact: Invader, by C.J. Cherryh. Start date: 8/17/10. Finish date: 8/25/10. Rating: 4 1/2 stars.
13. Science Fiction masquerading as Fantasy: Inversions, by Iain M. Banks. Start date: 1/21/10. Finish date: 1/24/10. Rating: 4 1/2 stars.
14. Young Adult: The Silver Metal Lover, by Tanith Lee. Start date: 1/13/10. Finish date: 2/3/10. Rating: 4 stars.

15. Work written by a Grand Master: Terraforming Earth, by Jack Williamson. Start date: 10/3/10. Finish date: 10/4/10. Rating: 3 stars.
16. Work written pre-1950: The Time Machine, by H.G. Wells. Start date: 10/17/10. Finish date: 10/18/10. Rating: 3 1/2 stars.
17. Work originally written in a language other than English: The Carpet Makers, by Andreas Eschbach. Start date: 9/13/10. Finish date: 9/13/10. Rating: 5 stars.
18. Work written the year you were born: Moon Flash, by Patricia McKillip. Start date: 1/19/10. Finish date: 1/20/10. Rating: 5 stars.
19. Work written by a non-Caucasian author: Wild Seed, by Octavia E. Butler. Start date: 6/26/10. Finish date: 7/10/10. Rating: 5 stars.
20. Work written by a female author: Bright of the Sky, by Kay Kenyon. Start date: 6/15/10. Finish date: 6/21/10. Rating: 2 stars.
21. Anthology: Vanishing Acts: A Science Fiction Anthology, ed. by Ellen Datlow. Start date: 11/1/09. Finish date: 11/12/09. Rating: 2 1/2 stars.
22. Work by an author you haven't read before: The Speed of Dark, by Elizabeth Moon. Start date: 4/20/10. Finish date: 4/30/10. Rating: 3 1/2 stars.
23. Work with a male first-person narrator: Broken Angels, by Richard Morgan. Start date: 9/17/10. Finish date: 9/18/10. Rating: 3 stars.
24. Work with a female first-person narrator: In the Garden of Iden, by Kage Baker. Start date: 12/7/09. Finish date: 12/7/09. Rating: 4 stars.
25. Work with a non-human viewpoint character for at least 50% of the text: Earthling, by Tony Daniel. Start date: 2/11/10. Finish date: 2/16/10. Rating: 4 stars.
26. Work with a third person omniscient narrator: The Graveyard Game, by Kage Baker. Start date: 1/29/10. Finish date: 1/29/10. Rating: 3 1/2 stars.

27. Work with a third-person limited, multi-perspective viewpoint: Cryoburn, by Lois McMaster Bujold. Start date: 10/19/10. Finish date: 10/19/10. Rating: 4 1/2 stars.
28. Work set on Earth with no space travel: Ha'penny, by Jo Walton. Start date: 12/30/09. Finish date: 12/30/09. Rating: 4 1/2 stars.
29. Work set in a human interstellar empire: The Killing of Worlds, by Scott Westerfeld. Start date: 4/6/10. Finish date: 4/10/10. Rating: 5 stars.
30. Work set on a single human planet that is not Earth (may or may not have contact with Earth): Carnival, by Elizabeth Bear. Start date: 4/1/10. Finish date: 4/3/10. Rating: 4 stars.
31. Work set in a galaxy with multiple non-human intelligences in contact with humans: The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, by Douglas Adams. Start date: 3/11/10. Finish date: 3/13/10. Rating: 2 1/2 stars.
32. Work set on a space ship (non-generation ship): The Risen Empire, by Scott Westerfeld. Start date: 4/5/10. Finish date: 4/6/10. Rating: 5 stars.
33. Work set on a generation ship (may take place at any point in voyage, including beginning and ending): Dust, by Elizabeth Bear. Start date: 10/5/10. Finish date: 10/6/10. Rating: 4 1/2 stars.
34. Work set on a permanent man-made habitat in space (i.e. a space station): The Prefect, by Alastair Reynolds. Start date: 11/22/09. Finish date: 11/29/09. Rating: 3 1/2 stars.
35. Work that has won the Hugo Award: Lord of Light, by Roger Zelazney. Start date: 2/22/10. Finish date: 3/2/10. Rating: 4 stars.
36. Work that has won the Nebula Award: Slow River, by Nicola Griffith. Start date: 10/10/10. Finish date: 10/31/10. Rating: 5 stars.
37. Work that has won the Locus Award: Hyperion, by Dan Simmons. Start date: 9/11/10. Finish date: 9/12/10. Rating: 4 stars.
38. Work that has won the James Tiptree, Jr. Award: Light, by M. John Harrison. Start date: 7/4/10. Finish date: 7/7/10. Rating: 4 stars.
39. Work that has won the John W. Campbell Award: Terraforming Earth, by Jack Williamson. Start date: 10/3/10. Finish date: 10/4/10. Rating: 3 stars.
40. Work that has won the Philip K. Dick Award: Neuromancer, by William Gibson. Start date: 8/12/10. Finish date: 8/17/10. Rating: 4 stars.

Overachiever Categories (Hah! Like I'm going to get here. . .)

41. Multiverse setting: The Family Trade, by Charles Stross. Start date:
42. Humans on Mars: The Empress of Mars, by Kage Baker. Start date: 10/16/10. Finish date: 10/16/10. Rating: 5 stars.
43. SF Mystery: Half a Crown, by Jo Walton. Start date: 6/23/10. Finish date: 6/23/10. Rating: 3 stars.
44. Final Ballot for 2009 Nebula (to be announced Feb 2010): The God Engines, by John Scalzi. Start date:
45. Vampire SF: I Am Legend, by Richard Matheson. Start date:
46. Alien Invasion: The War of the Worlds, by H.G. Wells. Start date: 11/29/10. Finish date: 12/1/10. Rating: 4 1/2 stars.
47. Final Ballot for 2010 Hugo (to be announced Mar 2010): Palimpsest, by Catherynne M. Valente. Start date: 8/31/10. Finish date: 8/31/10. Rating: 4 1/2 stars.
48. Locus Recommended Reading List for 2009: Transition, by Iain M. Banks. Start date:
49. Aurora Award Winner: Passion Play, by Sean Stewart. Start date:
50. British Science Fiction Association Award Winner: The City and the City, by China Mieville. Start date: 9/19/10. Finish date: 9/20/10. Rating: 4 1/2 stars.
51. SF Comedy: Nell Gwynne's Scarlet Spy, by Kage Baker. Start date:

Last Edited on: 12/26/10 1:21 PM ET - Total times edited: 96
earlyreader avatar
Subject: EarlyReader Tracking
Date Posted: 10/14/2009 10:48 PM ET
Member Since: 1/29/2009
Posts: 122
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1. Hard SF: Lost in Transmission by Wil McCarthy. Finished 11/7/09
2. Soft or Social SF: Mockingbird by Walter Tevis. Finished 11/9/09
3. Cyberpunk: Spares by Michael Marshall Smith. Finished 11/17/09

4. Time Travel: The Plot to Save Socrates by Paul Levinson. Finished 11/13/09
5. Alternate History: Pavane by Keith Roberts. Finished 11/21/09
6. Military SF: Torch of Freedom by David Weber. Finished 11/29/09
7. Superhuman: Man Plus by Frederik Pohl. Finished 12/2/09
8. Apocalyptic/Post-Apocalyptic: Dinner at Deviant's Palace by Tim Powers. Finished 12/3/09
9. Space Opera: Barrayar by Lois McMaster Bujold. Finished 12/11/09
10. Steampunk: The Difference Engine by William Gibson and Bruce Sterling. Finished 12/20/09
11. Feminist SF: Carmen Dog by Carol Emshwiller. Finished 12/21/09
12. First Contact: Demu Trilogy by F. M. Busby. Finished 12/27/09
13. Science Fiction masquerading as Fantasy: Dreamsnake by Vonda McIntyre. Finished 12/29/09
14. Young Adult: Little Brother by Cory Doctorow. Finished 12/31/09

15. Work written by a Grand Master: Russian Spring by Norman Spinrad. Finished 1/6/10
16. Work written pre-1950: Destiny Times Three by Fritz Leiber. Finished 1/9/10
17. Work originally written in a language other than English: Solaris by Stanislaw Lem. Finished 1/10/10
18. Work written the year you were born: The World of Null-A by A. E. Van Vogt. Finished 1/11/10

19. Work written by a non-Caucasian author: The Merchant and the Alchemist's Gate by Ted Chiang. Finished 1/14/10
20. Work written by a female author: The Maquisarde by Louise Marley. Finished 1/18/10
21. Anthology: Murasaki.
Finished 1/20/10
22. Work by an author you haven't read before: The Sparrow by Mary Doria Russell. Finished 1/23/10
23. Work with a male first-person narrator: Julian Comstock by Robert Charles Wilson. Finished 1/24/10
24. Work with a female first-person narrator: Random Acts of Senseless Violence by Jack Womack. Finished 1/25/10
25. Work with a non-human viewpoint character for at least 50% of the text: The Einstein Intersection by Samuel R. Delany. Finished 1/26/10
26. Work with a third person omniscient narrator: The January Dancer by Michael Flynn. Finished 1/20/10
27. Work with a third-person limited, multi-perspective viewpoint: The Prefect by Alastair Reynolds. Finished 2/4/10
28. Work set on Earth with no space travel: Kairos by Gwyneth Jones. Finished 2/6/10
29. Work set in a human interstellar empire: The Reality Dysfunction by Peter Hamilton. Finished 2/15/10
30. Work set on a single human planet that is not Earth (may or may not have contact with Earth): The Moon is a Harsh Mistress by Robert A. Heinlein. Finished 2/20/10
31. Work set in a galaxy with multiple non-human intelligences in contact with humans: A Call to Arms by Alan Dean Foster. Finished 2/25/10
32. Work set on a space ship (non-generation ship): Rimrunners by C. J. Cherryh. Finished 2/26/10
33. Work set on a generation ship (may take place at any point in voyage, including beginning and ending): Starship by Kevin Randle. Finished 2/28/10
34. Work set on a permanent man-made habitat in space (i.e. a space station): Nemesis by Isaac Asimov. Finished 3/5/10
35. Work that has won the Hugo Award: A Case of Conscience by James Blish. Finished 3/6/10
36. Work that has won the Nebula Award: A Time of Changes by Robert Silverberg. Finished 3/13/10
37. Work that has won the Locus Award: When Late the Sweet Birds Sang by Kate Wilhelm. Finished 3/14/10
38. Work that has won the James Tiptree, Jr. Award: The Carhullan Army by Sarah Hall. Finished 3/14/10
39. Work that has won the John W. Campbell Award: Timescape by Gregory Benford. Finished 3/18/10
40. Work that has won the Philip K. Dick Award: Nova Swing by M. John Harrison. Finished 3/31/10

2nd Time Around

1. Hard SF: Slant by Greg Bear. Finished 4/7/10
2. Soft or Social SF: Carnival by Elizabeth Bear. Finished 4/9/10
3. Cyberpunk: Headcrash by Bruce Bethke. Finished 4/10/10
4. Time Travel: Time Travelers Never Die by Jack McDevitt. Finished 4/12/10
5. Alternate History: Farthing by Jo Walton. Finished 4/15/10
6. Military SF: A Mighty Fortress by David Weber. Finished 4/20/10

7. Superhuman: He, She and It by Marge Piercey. Finished 4/23/83
8. Apocalyptic/Post-Apocalyptic: The Judgment of Eve by Edgar Pangborn. Finished 3/20/10

9. Space Opera:  In the Stormy Red Sky by David Drake. Finished 5/10/10
10. Steampunk: Perdido Street Station by China Mieville. Finished 5/17/10 
11. Feminist SF: The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood. Finished 4/26/10
12. First Contact: Blindsight by Peter Watts. Finished 5/13/10
13. Science Fiction masquerading as Fantasy: Resurrection Man by Sean Stewart. 4/28/10
14. Young Adult: Balook by Piers Anthony. Finished 4/26/10

15. Work written by a Grand Master: Something Wicked This Way Comes by Ray Bradbury. Finished 5/3/10
16. Work written pre-1950: Star Maker by Olaf Stapledon. Finished 4/30/10
17. Work originally written in a language other than English: The Baldwins by Serge Lamothe. Finished 3/26/10
18. Work written the year you were born: A Fall of Moondust by Arthur C. Clarke Finished. 3/25/10

19. Work written by a non-Caucasian author: Parable of the Talents by Octavia Butler. Finished 6/5/10
20. Work written by a female author: Ishmael by Barbara Hambly. Finished 5/1/10

21. Anthology: The Future of War. Finished 5/2/10
22. Work by an author you haven't read before: City at World's End by Edmond Hamilton. Finished 4/30/10

23. Work with a male first-person narrator: Ivory by Mike Resnick. Finished 5/19/10
24. Work with a female first-person narrator: The Host by Stephanie Meyer. Finished 6/16/10
25. Work with a non-human viewpoint character for at least 50% of the text: Roderick by John Sladek. Finished 5/30/10
26. Work with a third person omniscient narrator: Ender in Exile by Orson Scott Card. Finished 5/28/10

27. Work with a third-person limited, multi-perspective viewpoint: Galileo's Dream by Kim Stanley Robinson. Finished 6/15/10
28. Work set on Earth with no space travel: The Bird of Time by George Alec Effinger. Finished 3/29/10

29. Work set in a human interstellar empire: The Neutronium Alchemist by Peter Hamilton. Finished 6/28/10
30. Work set on a single human planet that is not Earth (may or may not have contact with Earth): Finch by Jeff Vandermeer. Finished 5/26/10

31. Work set in a galaxy with multiple non-human intelligences in contact with humans: The Algebraist by Iain M. Banks. Finished 6/21/10
32. Work set on a space ship (non-generation ship): The Weight by Allen Steele. Finished 3/28/10

33. Work set on a generation ship (may take place at any point in voyage, including beginning and ending): The Jesus Incident by Frank Herbert and Bill Ransom. Finished 6/4/10
34. Work set on a permanent man-made habitat in space (i.e. a space station): The Ringworld Engineers by Larry Niven. Finished 6/1/10

35. Work that has won the Hugo Award: The Snow Queen by Joan Vinge. Finished 6/9/10
36. Work that has wont he Nebula Award: The Quantum Rose by Catherine Asaro. Finished 6/7/10
37. Work that has won the Locus Award: Titan by John Varley. Finished 5/24/10
38. Work that has won the James Tiptree, Jr. Award: China Mountain Zhang by Maureen F. McHugh. Finished 5/7/10
39. Work that has won the John W. Campbell Award: Light by M. John Harrison. Finished 3/30/10

40. Work that has won the Philip K. Dick Award: Ship of Fools by Richard Paul Russo. Finished 5/31/10

Overachiever Categories

 41. Multiverse setting: Raft by Stephen Baxter. Finished 7/1/10
42. Humans on Mars: Empress of Mars by Kage Baker. Finished 7/5/10
43. SF Mystery: The Caves of Steel by Isaac Asimov. Finished 7/6/10

44. Final Ballot for 2009 Nebula: The Windup Girl by Paolo Bacigalupi. Finished 7/4/10
45. Vampire SF: Peeps by Scott Westerfeld. Finished 7/8/10
46. Alien Invasion: In the Balance by Harry Turtledove. Finished 7/12/10
47. Final Ballot for 2010 Hugo: WWW:Wake by Robert J. Sawyer. Finished 7/13/10
48. Locus Recommended Reading List for 2009: Boneshaker by Cherie Priest. Finished 7/15/10
49. Aurora Award Winner: West of January by Dave Duncan. Finished 7/16/10
50. British Science Fiction Association Award Winner: Orbitsville by Bob Shaw. Finished 7/1/10
51. SF Comedy: Phule's Company by Robert Asprin. Finished 6/30/10



SF Challenge 1: 40/40                  SF Challenge 2: 40/40               Overachiever Categories: 11/11



Last Edited on: 7/16/10 11:47 PM ET - Total times edited: 110
mattc avatar
Matt C. (mattc) - ,
Friend of PBS-Silver medal
Date Posted: 10/14/2009 11:03 PM ET
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  1. Hard SF - Eon by Greg Bear (finished 1/16/10)
  2. Soft SF - The Sirens of Titan by Kurt Vonnegut (finished 11/19/09)
  3. Cyberpunk - Count Zero by William Gibson
  4. Time Travel - The Time Machine by H.G. Wells (finished 12/5/09)
  5. Alternate History - Baphomet's Meteor by Pierre Barbet
  6. Military SF - Wolf Star by R.M. Meluch (finished 1/21/10)
  7. Superhuman - Whirlpool of Stars by Tully Zetford (finished 3/5/10)
  8. Post-Apocalyptic - Anthem by Ayn Rand (finished 8/24/10)
  9. Space Opera - Starbound by Joe Haldeman (finished 2/26/10)
  10. Steampunk - Finch by Jeff VanderMeer (finished 12/31/09)
  11. Feminist SF - Dawn by Octavia E. Butler (finished 12/11/09)
  12. First Contact - A Deepness in the Sky by Vernor Vinge
  13. SF as Fantasy - Dragonflight by Anne McCaffrey (finished 7/23/10)
  14. Young Adult - The Rise of Renegade X by Chelsea M. Campbell (finished 7/13/10)
  15. Grand Master - The World of Null-A by A.E. van Vogt (1945) (finished 8/18/10)
  16. Pre-1950 - Triplanetary by E.E. "Doc" Smith (1948)
  17. Foreign Language - Games Psyborgs Play by Pierre Barbet (originally published as Qoi Songent les Psyborgs? and translated by Wendayne Ackerman)
  18. Published in 1981 - The Robot in the Closet by Ron Goulart (finished 8/10)
  19. Non-Causasian Author - Babel-17 by Samuel R. Delaney
  20. Female Author - In the Garden of Iden by Kage Baker (finished 7/24/10)
  21. Anthology - Best SF 1973 Edited by Donald A. Wollheim
  22. New Author - The Passage by Justin Cronin (finished 7/5/10)
  23. Male 1st person - The Radioactive Redhead by John Zakour and Lawrence Ganem (finished 11/7/09)
  24. Female 1st person - The Warrior Within by Sharon Green
  25. Nonhuman viewpoint - Bio Rescue by S.L. Viehl
  26. 3rd person Omniscient - Freeware by Rudy Rucker (finished 3/15/10)
  27. 3rd person Lim. mult. persp. - Earth Factor X by A.E. van Vogt (finished 11/17/09)
  28. Earth, no space travel - Makers by Cory Doctorow (finished 12/20/09)
  29. Human Interstellar Empire - Throy by Jack Vance
  30. Sungle human planet - Helliconia Spring by Brian W. Aldiss
  31. Interstellar empire, mult. races - The Third Lynx by Timothy Zahn (finished 1/9/10)
  32. Non-generation space ship - The Myriad by R.M. Meluch (finished 1/15/10)
  33. Generation Ship - Orphans of the Sky by Robert A. Heinlein (finished 11/24/09)
  34. Space Station (or similar) - Downbelow Station by C.J. Cherryh
  35. Hugo Award - The Big Time by Fritz Leiber (1958 winner) (finished 1/31/10)
  36. Nebula Award - Doomsday Book by Connie Willis (1992 winner)
  37. Locus Award - The Integral Trees by Larry Niven (1985 winner) (finished 12/28/09)
  38. James Tiptree, Jr. Award - The Left Hand of Darkness by Ursula K. Le Guin (retrospective winner)
  39. John W. Campbell Award - Gateway by Frederik Pohl (1978 winner)
  40. Philip K. Dick Award - Wetware by Rudy Rucker (1988 co-winner) (finished 1/17/10)


Overachiever Categories:

41. Multiverse setting - ???
42. Humans on Mars - Red Mars?
43. SF Mystery - Odd Girl Out by Timothy Zahn
44. Final Ballot for 2009 Nebula (to be announced Feb 2010)
45. Vampire SF - Sabella, or The Blood Stone by Tanith Lee
46. Alien Invasion - ???
47. Final Ballot for 2010 Hugo (to be announced Mar 2010)
48. Locus Recommended Reading List for 2009
49. Aurora Award Winner - Marseguro by Edward Willett
50. British Science Fiction Association Award Winner - The Jagged Orbit by John Brunner
51. SF Comedy - John Zakour?

Last Edited on: 8/25/10 3:17 PM ET - Total times edited: 30
anncc avatar
Standard Member medal
Subject: Anncc track
Date Posted: 10/15/2009 6:26 AM ET
Member Since: 9/3/2008
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1. Hard SF:
2. Soft or Social SF:
3. Cyberpunk:
4. Time Travel:
5. Alternate History:
6. Military SF:
7. Superhuman:
8. Apocalyptic/Post-Apocalyptic:
9. Space Opera:
10. Steampunk:
11. Feminist SF:
12. First Contact:
13. Science Fiction masquerading as Fantasy:
14. Young Adult:
15. Work written by a Grand Master:
16. Work written pre-1950:
17. Work originally written in a language other than English:
18. Work written the year you were born:
19. Work written by a non-Caucasian author:
20. Work written by a female author:
21. Anthology:
22. Work by an author you haven't read before:
23. Work with a male first-person narrator:
24. Work with a female first-person narrator:
25. Work with a non-human viewpoint character for at least 50% of the text:
26. Work with a third person omniscient narrator:
27. Work with a third-person limited, multi-perspective viewpoint:
28. Work set on Earth with no space travel:
29. Work set in a human interstellar empire:
30. Work set on a single human planet that is not Earth (may or may not have contact with Earth):
31. Work set in a galaxy with multiple non-human intelligences in contact with humans:
32. Work set on a space ship (non-generation ship):
33. Work set on a generation ship (may take place at any point in voyage, including beginning and ending):
34. Work set on a permanent man-made habitat in space (i.e. a space station):
35. Work that has won the Hugo Award:
36. Work that has wont he Nebula Award:
37. Work that has won the Locus Award:
38. Work that has won the James Tiptree, Jr. Award:
39. Work that has won the John W. Campbell Award:
40. Work that has won the Philip K. Dick Award:



Last Edited on: 10/15/09 7:19 AM ET - Total times edited: 1
donnatella avatar
Friend of PBS-Silver medal
Subject: Britney (donnatella) Tracking
Date Posted: 10/15/2009 6:52 AM ET
Member Since: 6/26/2006
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Subgenre Challenges (5/14):
1. Hard SF
2. Soft or Social SF - Journey Between Worlds by Sylvia Louise Engdahl - finished 4/20/10
3. Cyberpunk
4. Time Travel - When You Reach Me by Rebecca Stead - finished 3/20/10
5. Alternate History
6. Military SF
7. Superhuman - The Worthing Saga by Orson Scott Card - finished 1/1/10
8. Apocalyptic/Post-Apocalyptic - The Folk of the Fringe by Orson Scott Card - finished 12/16/09
9. Space Opera
10. Steampunk
11. Feminist SF
12. First Contact
13. Science Fiction masquerading as Fantasy - Dragonflight by Anne McCaffrey - finished 5/26/10
14. Young Adult

Authorial Challenges (5/8)
15. Work written by a Grand Master - Prelude to Foundation by Issac Asimov
16. Work written pre-1950 - 1984 by George Orwell - finished 5/23/10
17. Work originally written in a language other than English
18. Work written the year you were born
19. Work written by a non-Caucasian author - Mine to Possess by Nalini Singh - finished 3/28/10
20. Work written by a female author - Caressed by Ice by Nalini Singh - finished 3/25/10
21. Anthology - None So Blind by Joe Haldeman - finished 10/17/10

22. Work by an author you haven't read before - Eva by Peter Dickinson - finished 6/22/10

Character Challenges (2/5):
23. Work with a male first-person narrator:
24. Work with a female first-person narrator - This World We Live In by Susan Beth Pfeffer - finished 3/25/10
25. Work with a non-human viewpoint character for at least 50% of the text
26. Work with a third person omniscient narrator
27. Work with a third-person limited, multi-perspective viewpoint - Hostage to Pleasure by Nalini Singh - finished 4/3/10

Setting Challenges (2/7):
28. Work set on Earth with no space travel - Visions of Heat by Nalini Singh - finished 3/19/10
29. Work set in a human interstellar empire
30. Work set on a single human planet that is not Earth (may or may not have contact with Earth) - The Ask and the Answer by Patrick Ness - finished 11/14/09
31. Work set in a galaxy with multiple non-human intelligences in contact with humans
32. Work set on a space ship (non-generation ship)
33. Work set on a generation ship (may take place at any point in voyage, including beginning and ending)
34. Work set on a permanent man-made habitat in space (i.e. a space station)

Award Challenges (2/6):
35. Work that has won the Hugo Award - The Left Hand of Darkness by Ursula K. LeGuin
36. Work that has won the Nebula Award
37. Work that has won the Locus Award - Doomsday Book by Connie Willis, finished 1/11/10
38. Work that has won the James Tiptree, Jr. Award - The Knife of Never Letting Go by Patrick Ness, finished 11/5/09

39. Work that has won the John W. Campbell Award
40. Work that has won the Philip K. Dick Award

Last Edited on: 10/18/10 5:24 AM ET - Total times edited: 20
ravensknight avatar
Date Posted: 10/15/2009 6:14 PM ET
Member Since: 4/9/2009
Posts: 360
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sounds like a lot of work to me. Good luck everyone :-)

Zylyn avatar
Friend of PBS-Double Diamond medal
Subject: Zylyn's List
Date Posted: 10/15/2009 10:01 PM ET
Member Since: 7/26/2006
Posts: 385
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:)1. Hard SF - Camelot 30K, Robert L Forward, 4/2/10 
:)2. Soft or Social SF - The Caryatids, Bruce Sterling, 11/17/09
smiley3. Cyberpunk - Crashcourse, Wilhemina Baird, 10/6/10
:)4. Time Travel - Time Travelers Never Die, Jack McDevitt, 11/22/09
:)5. Alternate History - Farthing, Jo Walton, 4/16/10
smiley6. Military SF - The Truth of Valor, Tanya Huff, 11/6/10
:)7. Superhuman - Spider-Man: The Darkest Hours, Jim Butcher, 3/21/10
smiley8. Apocalyptic/Post-Apocalyptic - The City, Not Long After, Pat Murphy, 11/2/10
:)9. Space Opera - Starbound, Joe Haldeman, 3/28/10
:)10. Steampunk - Boneshaker, Cherie Priest, 3/13/10
:)11. Feminist SF - Maul, Tracie Sullivan, 2/9/10
:)12. First Contact - Agent to the Stars, John Scalzi, 12/31/09
:)13. Science Fiction masquerading as Fantasy - The God Engines, John Scalzi, 4/8/10
smiley14. Young Adult - The Duke of Uranium, John Barnes, 10/11/10
:)15. Work written by a Grand Master - Camouflage, Joe Haldeman, 4/11/10
:)16. Work written pre-1950- Paris in the Twentieth Century, Jules Verne, 1/17/10 
:)17. Work originally written in a language other than English- From the Earth to the Moon, Jules Verne, 12/18/09
smiley18. Work written the year you were born - Tunnel in the Sky, Robert Heinlein, 5/6/10
smiley19. Work written by a non-Caucasian author - Never Let Me Go, Kazuo Ishiguro, 10/17/10
smiley20. Work written by a female author - Nine Layers of Sky, Liz Williams, 5/14/10
:)21. Anthology- Impossible Places, Alan Dean Foster, 12/18/09
:)22. Work by an author you haven't read before - The Good Humor Man, Andrew Fox, 12/9/09
:)23. male first-person narrator - The Armies of Memory, John Barnes, 11/8/09
smiley24. Work with a female first-person narrator - Close Encounters, 9/1/10
smiley25. Work with a non-human viewpoint character for at least 50% of the text - Far-Seer, Robert J Sawyer, 10/20/10
smiley26. Work with a third person omniscient narrator - Blackout, Connie Willis, 6/6/10
:)27. Work with a third-person limited, multi-perspective viewpoint - Outposter, Gordon R Dickson, 11/15/09
:)28. Work set on Earth with no space travel - The Silk Code, Paul Levinson, 11/14/09
smiley29. Work set in a human interstellar empire - Haze, Leland Exton Modesitt, 8/14/10
smiley30. Work set on a single human planet that is not Earth - Cryoburn, Lois McMaster Bujold, 10/26/10
:)31. Multiple non-human intelligences in contact with humans - Diamond Dogs, Turquoise Days, Alastair Reynolds, 1/2/10
smiley32. Work set on a space ship (non-generation ship) - Diving Into the Wreck, Kristine Katherine Rusch, 9/10/10
smiley33. Work set on a generation ship - Chill, Elizabeth Bear, 6/13/10

smiley34. Work set on a permanent man-made habitat in space (i.e. a space station) - Jupiter Project, Gregory Benford, 10/31/10
:)35. Work that has won the Hugo Award - The Wanderer, Fritz Leiber, 2/15/10
smiley36. Nebula Award winner -  The Healer's War, Elizabeth Ann Scarborough, 12/10/10
:)37.  Locus Award winner - Pump Six and Other Stories, Paolo Bacigalupi, 2/17/10
smiley38. Tiptree Award winner - White Queen, Gwyneth Jones, 11/23/10
smiley39. Campbell Award winner - The Year of the Quiet Sun, Wilson Tucker, 10/28/10
smiley40. PK Dick Award winner - Growing Up Weightless, John M Ford, 5/5/10

:)41. Multiverse setting - Time Machines Repaired While-U-Wait, KA Bedford, 1/19/10
smiley42. Humans on Mars - The Empress of Mars, Kage Baker, 5/21/10
:)43. SF Mystery - The City & The City, China Mieville, 12/27/09
:)44. Final Ballot for 2009 Nebula - The Windup Girl, Paolo Bacigalupi, 3/3/10
smiley45. Vampire SF - Changes, Jim Butcher, 4/30/10
:)46. Alien Invasion - Hydrogen Steel, KA Bedford, 1/25/10

47. Final Ballot for 2010 Hugo - Julian Comstock, Wilson

smiley48. Locus Recommended Reading List for 2009 - Wireless, Charles Stross, 12/3/10
smiley49. Aurora Award Winner - Permanence, Karl Schroeder, 11/27/10
smiley50. British Science Fiction Association Award Winner - Chasm City, Alastair Reynolds, 11/18/10
:)51. SF Comedy -Yellow Blue Tibia, Adam Roberts, 3/12/10

Last Edited on: 12/10/10 11:08 AM ET - Total times edited: 51
Generic Profile avatar
Subject: Tracks' Tracking List :)
Date Posted: 10/17/2009 12:20 PM ET
Member Since: 2/3/2009
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 Subgenre Challenges:
1. Hard SF: Red Mars by Kim Stanley Robinson
2. Soft or Social SF:
3. Cyberpunk: Trouble and Her Friends by Melissa Scott
4. Time Travel:
5. Alternate History: How Few Remain by Harry Turtledove
6. Military SF: The Battle at the Moons of Hell by Graham Sharp Paul
7. Superhuman: Off Armageddon Reef David Weber
8. Apocalyptic/Post-Apocalyptic: On The Beach Neil Shute
9. Space Opera: Revelation Space by Alastair Reynolds finished 11/09
10. Steampunk: Perdido Street Station by China Mieville
11. Feminist SF: The Female Man by Joanna Russ
12. First Contact:
13. Science Fiction masquerading as Fantasy:
14. Young Adult:

Authorial Challenges
15. Work written by a Grand Master: The Songs of Distant Earth by Arthur C. Clarke
16. Work written pre-1950:
17. Work originally written in a language other than English:
18. Work written the year you were born:
19. Work written by a non-Caucasian author:
20. Work written by a female author:

21. Anthology:
22. Work by an author you haven't read before: Alas, Babylon by Pat Frank

Character Challenges
23. Work with a male first-person narrator:
24. Work with a female first-person narrator:
25. Work with a non-human viewpoint character for at least 50% of the text: Bio Rescue by S.L. Viehl
26. Work with a third person omniscient narrator:
27. Work with a third-person limited, multi-perspective viewpoint: Probability Moon by Nancy Kress

Setting Challenges
28. Work set on Earth with no space travel:
29. Work set in a human interstellar empire: Hidden Empire by Kevin J. Anderson
30. Work set on a single human planet that is not Earth (may or may not have contact with Earth): Destiny’s Road by Larry Niven
31. Work set in a galaxy with multiple non-human intelligences in contact with humans:
32. Work set on a space ship (non-generation ship):
33. Work set on a generation ship (may take place at any point in voyage, including beginning and ending): Colony Fleet Susan R. Matthews
34. Work set on a permanent man-made habitat in space (i.e. a space station): Space Doctor by Lee Corey finished 11/03/09

Award Challenges
35. Work that has won the Hugo Award: Hominids by Robert J. Sawyer
36. Work that has won the Nebula Award: Darwin’s Radio by Greg Bear
37. Work that has won the Locus Award: Ilium by Dan Simmons
38. Work that has won the James Tiptree, Jr. Award: The Orphan's Tales: In the Night Garden by Catherynne M. Valente
39. Work that has won the John W. Campbell Award: Little Brother by Cory Doctorow
40. Work that has won the Philip K. Dick Award: 253: The Print Remix by Geoff Ryman

Last Edited on: 12/27/09 6:16 PM ET - Total times edited: 12
daysleeper avatar
Standard Member medalFriend of PBS-Silver medal
Subject: Daysleeper's tracking list
Date Posted: 10/18/2009 2:16 PM ET
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1. Hard SF ::: Jeff Long / Year Zero (12/30/09)
2. Soft or Social SF ::: T.C. Boyle / A Friend of the Earth (1/20/10)
3. Cyberpunk
4. Time Travel
5. Alternate History ::: Brad Ferguson / The World Next Door (1/2/10)
6. Military SF : : : William Forstchen / One Second After (2/2/10)
7. Superhuman
8. Apocalyptic/Post-Apocalyptic ::: Whitley Streiber and James Kunetka / Nature's End (11/27/09)
9. Space Opera
10. Steampunk
11. Feminist SF
12. First Contact
13. Science Fiction as Fantasy
14. Young Adult ::: Suzanne Collins / The Hunger Games (11/30/09)
15. Work written by a Grand Master ::: Poul Anderson / Twilight World (12/20/09)
16. Work written pre-1950
17. Work originally written in a language other than English ::: Serge Lamothe / The Baldwins  (French) (02/10/10)
18. Work written the year you were born (1974)
19. Work written by a non-Caucasian author ::: Kazuo Ishiguro / Never Let Me Go (12/13/09)
20. Work written by a female author ::: Suzanne Collins / Catching Fire (3/28/10)
21. Anthology ::: Anthony Giangregorio / End of Days: An Apocalyptic Anthology (6/5/10) no
22. Work by an author you haven't read before ::: Fritz Leiber / Gather, Darkness! (3/6/10)
23. Work with a male first-person narrator ::: John Christopher / The Long Winter (02/14/10)
24. Work with a female first-person narrator ::: Allegra Goodman / The Other Side of the Island (5/1/10) yes
25. Work with a non-human viewpoint character for at least 50% of the text
26. Work with a third person omniscient narrator
27. Work with a third-person limited, multi-perspective viewpoint
28. Work set on Earth with no space travel ::: Michael Swanwick / In the Drift (01/25/10)
29. Work set in a human interstellar empire
30. Work set on a single human planet that is not Earth ::: Jacqueline Harpman / I Who Have Never Known Men  (08/21/10) yesyes
31. Work set in a galaxy with multiple non-human intelligences in contact with humans
32. Work set on a space ship (non-generation ship)
33. Work set on a generation ship (may take place at any point in voyage, including beginning and ending)
34. Work set on a permanent man-made habitat in space (i.e. a space station)
35. Work that has won the Hugo Award : : : Where Late the Sweet Birds Sang / Kate Wilhelm (03/05/10)
36. Work that has wont he Nebula Award
37. Work that has won the Locus Award
38. Work that has won the James Tiptree Jr. Award ::: Daughters of the North / Sarah Hall (4/10/10) yes
39. Work that has won the John W. Campbell Award
40. Work that has won the Philip K. Dick Award

Overachiever Challenges

41. Multiverse setting
42. Humans on Mars
43. SF Mystery
44. Final Ballot for 2009 Nebula
45. Vampire SF
46. Alien Invasion
47. Final Ballot for 2010 Hugo
48. Locus Recommended Reading List for 2009
49. Aurora Award Winner
50. British Science Fiction Association Award Winner
51. SF Comedy

Last Edited on: 8/21/10 11:12 AM ET - Total times edited: 22
Generic Profile avatar
Subject: TomHl's tracking list, starting 11/1/09
Date Posted: 10/27/2009 9:16 PM ET
Member Since: 3/25/2006
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  • 11/1/09-10/31/10 = 40/40 +11/11 +5
  • 11/1/10-12/31/10 = +6

Ratings system = Recommendation / OK / Disappointment

Subgenre Challenges
1. Hard SF - Iron Sunrise, by Charles Stross  8/14/10
2. Soft or Social SF - The City & The City, by China Mieville  2/28/10
3. Cyberpunk - The Bohr Maker, by Linda Nagata  11/13/09
4. Time Travel - Time Travelers Never Die, by Jack McDevitt  7/6/10
5. Alternate History - The Plot Against America, by Philip Roth  7/31/10
6. Military SF - The Ghost Brigades, by John Scalzi 11/21/09
7. Superhuman - Green Eyes, by Lucius Shepard 2/20/10
8. Apocalyptic/Post-Apocalyptic - The Forge of God, by Greg Bear 11/29/09
9. Space Opera - Singularity Sky, by Charles Stross  4/26/10
10. Steampunk - Finch, by Jeff VanderMeer 3/21/10
11. Feminist SF - The Female Man, by Joanna Russ 12/9/09
12. First Contact - Chronosequence, by Hilbert Schenck 5/8/10
13. Science Fiction masquerading as Fantasy - The People: No Different Flesh, by Zenna Henderson 12/20/09
14. Young Adult - Powers, by Ursula LeGuin  12/29/09

Authorial Challenges
15. Work written by a Grand Master - The Voyage of the Space Beagle, by A.E. Van Vogt 12/7/09
16. Work written pre-1950 - Synthetic Men of Mars, by Edgar Rice Burroughs 1/13/10
17. Work originally written in a language other than English - The Final Circle of Paradise, by Arkady and Boris Strugatsky  2/1/10
18. Work written the year you were born - The End of Eternity, by Isaac Asimov  1/18/10
19. Work written by a non-Caucasian author - Wild Seed, by Octavia Butler 3/16/10
20. Work written by a female author - Tech-Heaven, by Linda Nagata  11/5/09
21. Anthology - The New Weird, edited by Ann & Jeff VanderMeer  8/20/10
22. Work by an author you haven't read before - The Suicide Plague, by Ed Naha 12/25/09

Character Challenges
23. Work with a male first-person narrator - Gifts, by Ursula LeGuin  7/11/10
24. Work with a female first-person narrator - The Devil's Eye, by Jack McDevitt 3/12/10
25. Work with a non-human viewpoint character for at least 50% of the text - Pilgrimage, by Zenna Henderson 12/17/09
26. Work with a third person omniscient narrator - Counter-Clock World, by Philip K. Dick 3/23/10
27. Work with a third-person limited, multi-perspective viewpoint - Boneshaker, by Cherie Priest 3/6/10

Setting Challenges
28. Work set on Earth with no space travel - The Windup Girl, by Paolo Bacigalupi 2/23/10
29. Work set in a human interstellar empire - The Currents of Space, by Isaac Asimov 1/2/10
30. Work set on a single human planet that is not Earth (may or may not have contact with Earth) - The Sioux Spaceman, by Andre Norton 3/1/10
31. Work set in a galaxy with multiple non-human intelligences in contact with humans - Forever Free, by Joe Haldeman 4/18/10
32. Work set on a space ship (non-generation ship) - Glasshouse, by Charles Stross  1/7/10
33. Work set on a generation ship - Non-Stop, by Brian Aldiss 11/14/09
34. Work set on a permanent man-made habitat in space (i.e. a space station) - Star Light, by Hal Clement  5/18/10

Award Challenges
35. Work that has won the Hugo Award - Cyteen, by C. J. Cherryh 4/15/10
36. Work that has won the Nebula Award - The Healer's War, by Elizabeth Ann Scarborough  12/2/09
37. Work that has won the Locus Award - Anathem, by Neal Stephenson  2/17/10
38. Work that has won the James Tiptree, Jr. Award - Walk To The End Of The World, by Suzy McKee Charnas  12/13/09 
39. Work that has won the John W. Campbell Award - Old Man's War, by John Scalzi  11/1/09
40. Work that has won the Philip K. Dick Award - Spin Control, by Chris Moriarty 1/30/10

Over-Achiever Challenges
41. Multiverse setting - Mort, by Terry Pratchett  10/9/10
42. Humans on Mars - Marsbound, by Joe Haldeman 7/10/10
43. SF Mystery - Farthing, by Jo Walton
44. Final Ballot for 2009 Nebula - The Love We Share Without Knowing, by Christopher Barzak  3/9/10
45. Vampire SF - Fevre Dream, by George R. R. Martin  10/22/10
46. Alien Invasion - Nanoware Time, by Ian Watson  9/6/10
47. Final Ballot for 2010 Hugo - Julian Comstock, by Robert Charles Wilson  8/3/10
48. Locus Recommended Reading List for 2009 - Galileo's Dream, by Kim Stanley Robinson  7/29/10
49. Aurora Award Winner - The Terminal Experiment, by Robert J. Sawyer
50. British Science Fiction Association Award Winner - Brasyl, by Ian McDonald  9/4/10
51. SF Comedy - Making Money, by Terry Pratchett

My Personal Additional Challenges
52. Race in America
53. Religion in SF
54. TV Series Tie-In
55. Movie Tie-In - 3001 The Final Odyssey, by Arthur C. Clarke  10/2/10
56. SF Romance
57. Work that has won the Kurd Lasswitz Preis for German SF
58. Work that has won the Prix Tour-Apollo Award for French SF
59. Work that has won the Arthur C. Clarke Award
60. Climate Change
61. Dinosaurs
62. Slipstream - Cloud Atlas, by David Mitchell  7/22/10
63. Weird - A Short, Sharp Shock, by Kim Stanley Robinson  12/3/10
64. Single Author Collection
65. Fix-up Novel
66. Sequel written by a different author than the original
67. Christian SF
68. Gay/Lesbian SF
69. Robots/Artificial Intelligence - Saturn's Children, by Charles Stross 11/30/10
70. Near Future Thriller
71. Work set under the sea - War With the Newts, by Karel ?apek  9/9/10
72. Work set in a virtual world
73. Utopia/Dystopia
74. Work written in 1950s - The Stars My Destination, by Alfred Bester 8/22/10
75. Work written in 1960s - The Dragon Masters, by Jack Vance  12/4/10
76. Work written in 1970s -
The Gentle Giants of Ganymede, by James P. Hogan  9/12/10
77. Work written in 1980s
78. Work written in 1990s
79. Work written in 2000s - Voices, by Ursula LeGuin  12/11/10
80. Work written in 2010
81. Work written by an author born the same year as you
82. Human transformation
83. Terraforming
84. Occupied Earth - Divide and Rule, by L. Sprague de Camp  12/17/10
85. Kitchen Sink - The Sword of Rhiannon, by Leigh Brackett  12/17/10


Last Edited on: 12/18/10 8:43 AM ET - Total times edited: 91
PhoenixFalls avatar
Date Posted: 11/10/2009 12:02 AM ET
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This is getting kind of low so. . . BUMP.

Wildhog3 avatar
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Date Posted: 11/10/2009 12:44 AM ET
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So what do I do for "non-caucasian" if I have read all of Octavia Butler?

Also, regarding this very great writer: I had the very wonderful privilege of talking with her at length on two occasions. It was my impression that her favorites were the Patternmaster series. Wild Seed, Patternmaster, Mind of My Mind. She did not like Clay's Ark. Would not even autograph my copy.

PhoenixFalls avatar
Date Posted: 11/10/2009 1:21 AM ET
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Other non-Caucasian SF authors I'm aware of are Samuel R. Delaney and Ted Chiang; I'm sure there are more, so feel free to post the question in the Discussion thread and we'll see what others come up with! :)

Wildhog3 avatar
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Date Posted: 11/10/2009 5:43 PM ET
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Aha! Thanks. I should have immediately thought of Sam Delaney.  I have three or four of his around I haven't read. Too bad we can't re-read. I have read Stars in My Pocket Like Grains of Sand three times, and would be glad to read it again.:)

mikeylou avatar
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Subject: mikeylou's Tracking
Date Posted: 11/12/2009 4:23 AM ET
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Give a stab at this.  I've been neglecting my Sci-Fi.  :)

Subgenre Challenges:
1. Hard SF
2. Soft or Social SF
3. Cyberpunk
4. Time Travel
5. Alternate History
6. Military SF
7. Superhuman
8. Apocalyptic/Post-Apocalyptic
9. Space Opera
10. Steampunk
11. Feminist SF
12. First Contact
13. Science Fiction masquerading as Fantasy
14. Young Adult

Authorial Challenges
15. Work written by a Grand Master
16. Work written pre-1950
17. Work originally written in a language other than English
18. Work written the year you were born
19. Work written by a non-Caucasian author
20. Work written by a female author
21. Anthology
22. Work by an author you haven't read before

Character Challenges
23. Work with a male first-person narrator
24. Work with a female first-person narrator
25. Work with a non-human viewpoint character for at least 50% of the text
26. Work with a third person omniscient narrator
27. Work with a third-person limited, multi-perspective viewpoint

Setting Challenges
28. Work set on Earth with no space travel
29. Work set in a human interstellar empire
30. Work set on a single human planet that is not Earth (may or may not have contact with Earth)
31. Work set in a galaxy with multiple non-human intelligences in contact with humans
32. Work set on a space ship (non-generation ship)
33. Work set on a generation ship (may take place at any point in voyage, including beginning and ending)
34. Work set on a permanent man-made habitat in space (i.e. a space station)

Award Challenges
35. Work that has won the Hugo Award
36. Work that has wont he Nebula Award
37. Work that has won the Locus Award
38. Work that has won the James Tiptree, Jr. Award
39. Work that has won the John W. Campbell Award
40. Work that has won the Philip K. Dick Award

mickmckeown avatar
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Date Posted: 11/18/2009 2:28 PM ET
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1. Hard SF: Foundation by Issac Asimov

2. Soft or Social SF: Brave New World by Aldous Huxley

3. Cyberpunk:  Chimera by William Shetterly  06-21-2010

4. Time Travel: Time after Time by Jack Finney

5. Alternate History: How Few Remain by Harry Turtledove

6. Military SF:  Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card

7. Superhuman: Dune Messiah by Frank Herbert

8. Apocalyptic/Post-Apocalyptic: Oryx and Crake by Margaret Atwood

9. Space Opera: A Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams

10. Steampunk: The War of the Worlds by H.G. Wells

11. Feminist SF: Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood 07-18-2010

12. First Contact: 2001 by Arthur C. Clarke

13. Science Fiction masquerading as Fantasy: The City and The City by China Mieville

14. Young Adult:  Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury

Authorial Challenges

15. Work written by a Grand Master: Stranger in a Strange Land by Robert Heinlein

16. Work written pre-1950: The Picture of Dorian Gray 06-20-2010

17. Work originally written in a language other than English: Around the World in Eighty Days by Jules Verne 05-2010

18. Work written the year you were born: Little, Big by John Crowley

19. Work written by a non-Caucasian author: Parable of the Sower by Ocatavia Butler 07-10-2010

20. Work written by a female author: The Children of Men by P.D. James

21. Anthology I, Robot by Isaac Asimov

22. Work by an author you haven't read before: I am Legend by Richard Mathieson

Character Challenges

23. Work with a male first-person narrator: Julian Comstock by Robert Charles Wilson  03-01-2010

24. Work with a female first-person narrator Year of the Unicorn by Andre Norton

25. Work with a non-human viewpoint character for at least 50% of the text: The Einstein Intervention by Samuel Delany

26. Work with a third person omniscient narrator: Minority Report by Phillip K. Dick    2-21-2010

27. Work with a third-person limited, multi-perspective viewpoint: War with the Newts by Karl Capek

Setting Challenges

28. Work set on Earth with no space travel: Frankenstein by Mary Shelley

29. Work set in a human interstellar empire: Children of Dune by Frank Herbert

30. Work set on a single human planet that is not Earth (may or may not have contact with Earth) A Million Open Doors by John Barnes

31. Work set in a galaxy with multiple non-human intelligences in contact with humans: Starship Troopers by Robert Heinlen 07-31-2010

32. Work set on a space ship (non-generation ship):  The Ethos Effect by L.E. Modesitt Jr.

33. Work set on a generation ship (may take place at any point in voyage, including beginning and ending): Ship of Fools by Richard Paul Russo

34. Work set on a permanent man-made habitat in space (i.e. a space station): The Moon is a Harsh Mistress by Robert Heinlein

Award Challenges

35. Work that has won the Hugo Award: Yiddish Policeman's Union by Michael Chabon

36. Work that has wont he Nebula Award: Speaker for the Dead by Orson Scott Card

37. Work that has won the Locus Award: The Postman by David Brin

38. Work that has won the James Tiptree, Jr. Award:  Camoflage by Joe Haldeman 05-14-2010

39. Work that has won the John W. Campbell Award: The Time Ships by Stephen Baxter

40. Work that has won the Philip K. Dick Award: Neuromancer by William Gibson

As discussed, a maximum of five books can double-qualify, none may triple qualify, so if you complete the challenge you will have read 35-40 books.

Last Edited on: 9/15/10 6:15 PM ET - Total times edited: 25
Generic Profile avatar
Subject: rabbit-tracking
Date Posted: 12/12/2009 4:19 PM ET
Member Since: 5/31/2008
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Off to a late start!

Subgenre Challenges:
1. Hard SF
2. Soft or Social SF - Philip K. Dick, Solar Lottery Finished 1/2
3. Cyberpunk
4. Time Travel
5. Alternate History
6. Military SF
7. Superhuman
8. Apocalyptic/Post-Apocalyptic
9. Space Opera
10. Steampunk
11. Feminist SF
12. First Contact
13. Science Fiction masquerading as Fantasy
14. Young Adult - Philip Reeve, A Darkling Plain Finished 4/16

Authorial Challenges
15. Work written by a Grand Master
16. Work written pre-1950
17. Work originally written in a language other than English
18. Work written the year you were born
19. Work written by a non-Caucasian author
20. Work written by a female author
21. Anthology
22. Work by an author you haven't read before

Character Challenges
23. Work with a male first-person narrator
24. Work with a female first-person narrator
25. Work with a non-human viewpoint character for at least 50% of the text
26. Work with a third person omniscient narrator
27. Work with a third-person limited, multi-perspective viewpoint

Setting Challenges
28. Work set on Earth with no space travel
29. Work set in a human interstellar empire
30. Work set on a single human planet that is not Earth (may or may not have contact with Earth)
31. Work set in a galaxy with multiple non-human intelligences in contact with humans
32. Work set on a space ship (non-generation ship)
33. Work set on a generation ship (may take place at any point in voyage, including beginning and ending)
34. Work set on a permanent man-made habitat in space (i.e. a space station)

Award Challenges
35. Work that has won the Hugo Award
36. Work that has wont he Nebula Award
37. Work that has won the Locus Award - Ursula K. Le Guin, The Lathe of Heaven Finished 12/24
38. Work that has won the James Tiptree, Jr. Award
39. Work that has won the John W. Campbell Award
40. Work that has won the Philip K. Dick Award

Last Edited on: 4/17/10 4:11 PM ET - Total times edited: 6
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Subject: Over-Achiever Categories
Date Posted: 12/13/2009 10:55 PM ET
Member Since: 3/25/2006
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People on the forum have agreed to extend the challenge in the following fashion -

You finish the challenge by reading in the original 40 categories starting 11/1/09 and finishing before 11/1/10, just as before.  No rules changes.

Anyone can propose an over-achiever category, on one of the discussion threads (not here!).  If the category gets two more votes by participants on the forum, then it is official and goes on the list.  There is no limit on the number of over-achiever categories.  

These other categories can be read any time starting 11/1/09 and before the same 11/1/10 finish date.   But you have to meet the original 40 categories to count any of the over-achiever categories.  You don't have to read the over-achiever categories in any order, just count how many of them you get.  They still have to be books you have not read before, and there is no double counting of over-achiever reads at all.  Personally, I don't expect to get much beyond the 40 by the finish date, but it will be fun to try, and to see what others pick for those categories.

Here's the categories that have been added so far -

Over-Achiever Challenges
41. Multiverse setting
42. Humans on Mars
43. SF Mystery
44. Final Ballot for 2009 Nebula (to be announced Feb 2010)
45. Vampire SF
46. Alien Invasion
47. Final Ballot for 2010 Hugo (to be announced Mar 2010)
48. Locus Recommended Reading List for 2009 (to be announced Feb 2010)
49. Aurora Award Winner
50. British Science Fiction Association Award Winner
51. SF Comedy

Last Edited on: 12/30/09 10:35 AM ET - Total times edited: 9
PhoenixFalls avatar
Date Posted: 1/15/2010 11:09 PM ET
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daysleeper avatar
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Date Posted: 2/14/2010 1:58 AM ET
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February bump!

Zylyn avatar
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Date Posted: 4/3/2010 11:29 AM ET
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April bump.....

daysleeper avatar
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Date Posted: 6/5/2010 9:07 PM ET
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June bump...

cattfish avatar
Date Posted: 7/31/2010 5:14 PM ET
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Guess I'll join with 5 months to go...

Bold: Currently Reading

Crossedout: finished

Subgenre Challenges:
1. Hard SF: Omega, by Jack McDevitt
2. Soft or Social SF
3. Cyberpunk
4. Time Travel
5. Alternate History
6. Military SF
7. Superhuman
8. Apocalyptic/Post-Apocalyptic
9. Space Opera
10. Steampunk
11. Feminist SF
12. First Contact: Odyssey, Jack Mcdevitt
13. Science Fiction masquerading as Fantasy -Black Easter, James Blish

14. Young Adult

Authorial Challenges
15. Work written by a Grand Master
16. Work written pre-1950
17. Work originally written in a language other than English
18. Work written the year you were born
19. Work written by a non-Caucasian author
20. Work written by a female author: Regenesis, by CJ Cherryh.
21. Anthology
22. Work by an author you haven't read before

Character Challenges
23. Work with a male first-person narrator
24. Work with a female first-person narrator
25. Work with a non-human viewpoint character for at least 50% of the text
26. Work with a third person omniscient narrator:
27. Work with a third-person limited, multi-perspective viewpoint

Setting Challenges
28. Work set on Earth with no space travel - Oath of Fealty, Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle
29. Work set in a human interstellar empire
30. Work set on a single human planet that is not Earth (may or may not have contact with Earth):  40,000 In Gehenna by CJ Cherryh

31. Work set in a galaxy with multiple non-human intelligences in contact with humans: Serpent's Reach by CJ Cherryh

32. Work set on a space ship (non-generation ship)
33. Work set on a generation ship (may take place at any point in voyage, including beginning and ending)
34. Work set on a permanent man-made habitat in space (i.e. a space station)

Award Challenges
35. Work that has won the Hugo Award
36. Work that has wont he Nebula Award
37. Work that has won the Locus Award
38. Work that has won the James Tiptree, Jr. Award
39. Work that has won the John W. Campbell Award
40. Work that has won the Philip K. Dick Award

Last Edited on: 10/4/10 10:46 AM ET - Total times edited: 9
Zylyn avatar
Friend of PBS-Double Diamond medal
Subject: bump again
Date Posted: 9/10/2010 2:11 PM ET
Member Since: 7/26/2006
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