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Search - List of Books by Christopher Ondaatje

Sir Philip Christopher Ondaatje, OC, CBE (born February 22, 1933) is a Sri Lankan-Canadian businessman, philanthropist, adventurer, writer and Olympian. He lives in the United Kingdom.Born in Ceylon (now Sri Lanka) to a Burgher family of Dutch origin, Christopher went to Blundell's School in the United Kingdom. After his alcoholic father lost the family fortune, Christopher had to leave school a year from graduation. In 1956, Christopher emigrated to Canada, arriving in Toronto with virtually no money. He quickly began to rebuild the family fortune, becoming a wealthy stockbroker, going on to be one of the three founding members of Loewen Ondaatjie McCutcheon. He became a multi-millionaire in the publishing industry by founding the Pagurian Press, which he later sold to the Bronfman family.

He represented Canada as a bobsledder in the 1964 Winter Olympics.

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Total Books: 26
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