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Topic: Mailed book shows canceled in transaction archive

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Twill avatar
Friend of PBS-Silver medal
Subject: Mailed book shows canceled in transaction archive
Date Posted: 10/4/2007 3:45 PM ET
Member Since: 12/30/2006
Posts: 929
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I mailed a book yesterday that was requested on Tuesday.  Just now I was checking my transaction archive for another reason and it shows that the book I mailed yesterday was canceled some ten minuets after it was requested on Tuesday.  I never got any notification that the request was canceled.  It let me print the wrapper and then click the button showing the book mailed.  If a request is canceled, shouldn't I get a notification?  And will I get a credit for this?

bookaddicted avatar
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Date Posted: 10/4/2007 3:53 PM ET
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From the Help Center:


My request was canceled but I already mailed the book! If you received an email from PBS telling you that a book transaction was canceled, but you already mailed the book, this means you did not mark the book mailed before the deadline to do so.
  • The other possibility for an email cancellation notification would be if the requestor canceled--and the requestor could not cancel once you accessed the address information from the request. 
You cannot get credit from the PBS system for sending the book, but it may be possible to get credit from the requestor (click here to find out how)--if you act promptly.

If you did not get an email notification of a cancellation, but you cannot find an outgoing request in your account, please see My request disappeared!.

If you didn't mail the book yet, see My request was canceled--I didn't mail the book yet.

Why did the transaction cancel?
  • If a book is not marked mailed before the deadline, the PBS system cannot know it was mailed
    • Contents of Personal Messages or emails from the sender/requestor will not affect the deadline
    • The deadline cannot be changed once the book request has been accepted
  • The deadline is determined by the sender's choice of mailing dates:
    • If the sender clicks "I can mail in the next 2 days" when accepting, he or she has 5 more days before the transaction must be marked mailed.
    • If the sender clicks "I can mail LATER" when accepting, and then chooses a later mailing date, the book must be marked mailed by 2 days after the alternate mail-by date chosen.
DuskyRose avatar
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Date Posted: 10/4/2007 4:08 PM ET
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Last Edited on: 10/20/09 10:35 AM ET - Total times edited: 1
dawgsncats avatar
Date Posted: 10/4/2007 4:11 PM ET
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I'm betting with Cindy on this one - was it a wishlist book?  If so, it would just roll to the next person.

Twill avatar
Friend of PBS-Silver medal
Date Posted: 10/4/2007 4:25 PM ET
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It wasn't wishlisted and it does look as if it is showing up canceled from the person I mailed it to. When I click on request details from the transaction archive, it shows requested at 1:34 and canceled at 1:45 both on 10/2.  Yet I printed the label and marked the book mailed.  I'm very confused.

swingsistert avatar
Date Posted: 10/4/2007 4:32 PM ET
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Does it show up on the "Books I've Mailed" tab in your account?

What I'm thinking is that maybe someone ordered it, canceled -- then someone else that same day ordered it for real.

Twill avatar
Friend of PBS-Silver medal
Date Posted: 10/4/2007 4:47 PM ET
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It does show up under Books I've Mailed.  But it also shows in the transaction archive as canceled.  Details on both are the same person.  Strange.

melanied avatar
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Date Posted: 10/4/2007 4:58 PM ET
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Where it is listed on the Books I've Mailed tab, go to details and click. I bet it has a requested time later than the cancelled one. I did this the other day, I requested a book, was meaning to do something else and accidentally cancelled so I had to reorder. The calcelled transaction was the only one that showed up in the archive until the other one was completed.

Guinan avatar
Date Posted: 10/4/2007 5:07 PM ET
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I would PM the requestor, maybe she cancelled by accident and imediately ordered again?  Is that possible?   If for some reason the transaction was cancelled on her end but not on yours I would report the glitch to R&R and see if they can straighten things out.

Twill avatar
Friend of PBS-Silver medal
Date Posted: 10/4/2007 5:47 PM ET
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Ahh, Melanie, you are right.  The Books I've Mailed request shows a request time of two minutes later than the canceled time.  So I bet that is what happened.  Thanks for clearing that up.  I just couldn't imagine what happened but I knew someone here would have the answer.  PBS people are so helpful!!