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Aaron R. (bigstu) - Reviews

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Getting Into Yale : How One Student Wrote This Book and Got Into the School of His Dreams
Review Date: 2/28/2010

I'm going to paraphrase this review with some full disclosure, I went to high school with Josh and I was on the wrestling team with him. Granted, I was a freshman when he was a senior so I didn't know Josh very well, but I do remember him being very intense and deserving the title of team captain. After getting past that I recognized the names of some of the people in the book, was friends with these "characters" younger siblings or was coached by/taught by some of these teachers/coaches, I realized that it was a good book. If you are looking for a book that tells you the secret to getting into Yale, then this book is probably not for you. However, if you are wondering how hard you have to work as well as the amount of work that goes into getting into Yale, mixed with a mix of light-hearted humor and some very serious stories then this book is for you. You could really tell how hard Josh worked and how much Josh really wanted to go to Yale.

Hell Bent for Leather : Confessions of a Heavy Metal Addict
Hell Bent for Leather : Confessions of a Heavy Metal Addict
Author: Seb Hunter
Book Type: Hardcover
  • Currently 4/5 Stars.
Review Date: 12/7/2010

If you were a teenager or twenty-something in the 1980s and into the early 90s and you were a heavy metal fan than this book is probably for you. Seb Hunter does a good job of not only describing the different genres of metal including giving examples of the bands that went with each genre. Sprinkled in between these descriptions are Hunter's personal stories of his life growing up as a metalhead including his influences for the various bands that he helped start and/or joined throughout his teenage years and into his twenties. About midway through the book Hunter's stories take center stage and in my opinion the descriptions of what was going on in the metal world during the time period took away from the actual personal stories that Hunter was sharing. Overall, Hunter's stories were at times funny and at times uncomfortable but they were always entertaining.

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