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Catherine S. (jayhawkcat) - , - Reviews

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Alien Overnight (Aliens Overnight, Bk 1)
Alien Overnight (Aliens Overnight, Bk 1)
Author: Robin L. Rotham
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 3.6/5 Stars.
Review Date: 3/5/2013
Helpful Score: 1

The Garathani have come to earth's governments seeking help with their dieing race. During a biological war most of their women and children had been killed. Human DNA is close enough to successfully mate with the Garathani, even if it has to be done in a slightly different manner.

Space freak, Dr. Monica Teague is excited to be working with the Garathani sexual recruits. They have to make sure that the women are fit and meet the requirements for them. Height and overall size are a main issue, since the Garathani males average around seven feet of hunky male flesh.

Commander Kellen has been overseeing every aspect of the recruiting process. While at a demonstration of a Garathani male and an Earth female mating he notices Monica acting weird. Kellen acts quickly once he puts two and two together and realizes what Monica is. He puts in a claim to mate with her in his name and lists Lieutenant Shauss as secondary claimant.

Never thinking that she would be expected to participate due to her underdeveloped body and her androgynous appearance, Monica is starting to wish she wasn't the way she was. She soon gets her wish thanks to a heady dose of alien pheromones and finds out that not one but two sexy aliens find her attractive and want to mate with her. Will Monica be able to handle the new Garathani's rules and their idea of mating?

Contact has been made! In this debut book from author Robin Rotham we get a futuristic erotic version of the ugly duckling. This story is well written and I look forward to seeing future works from this author. Note this story does contain some BDSM and ménage aspects.

reviewed for PNR

All Together Dead (Sookie Stackhouse, Bk 7)
All Together Dead (Sookie Stackhouse, Bk 7)
Author: Charlaine Harris
Book Type: Hardcover
  • Currently 4.4/5 Stars.
Review Date: 9/20/2007
Helpful Score: 3

Ms Harris shows why she is a best seller in this action packed seventh installment of the Southern Vampire Series. We start out with Sookie doing some everyday things around Bon Temps and meeting with some old friends. She gets invited to a wedding shower which is a major social success for her. Has a run in with Arlene, who is now a member of the fast growing Fellowship of the Sun. Goes to her brother's impromptu wedding and shows that Hotshot knows how to throw a party! Gets to find out what it is like to make love to a warm blooded male (Quinn) and decides that she might be falling in love with him.

While getting ready for the vampire summit, everyone is telling her that it is a bad idea to go. But Sookie has gotten used to the extra padding in her bank account that working for the vampires has provided and she already made the commitment to work it. Besides working for the Queen with her special talent, she is to be the main witness for Sophie Anne's trial for murdering her new husband (Definitely Dead).

Louisiana will not be sending as many vampires as normal to the summit due to the damage hurricane Katrina did, their funds are depleted plus many did not survive. Eric, Pam, Andre and Bill are a few of the vampires going and even Quinn is going in a working capacity. Barry the Bellboy is also at the summit working in the same capacity as Sookie, but for the vampires of Texas.

As with any political summit there are goings on behind the scenes, secret alliances and backroom deals. Will Sookie have what it takes to survive the summit? With several murders to solve, sexual tension between Erik, Quinn & Sookie, and new supernatural group to figure out, will Sookie be able to come out of this one intact? And what is the Fellowship of the Sun up to?

I absolutely loved this book! With this series Ms Harris has taken a simple southern bar maid and we have watched her grow with each book, and this one is no exception. In All Together Dead, Sookie's eyes are opened much more and she becomes aware of dangers to her not only from the vampires and the other supernatural beings but from the human population as well. With the introduction of the Britlingens, it makes me wonder what else is out there for Sookie to find out. As with all the books in this series Ms Harris has skillfully mixed paranormal, humor, mystery and romance; if you are a fan of those genres and have not read any of the Sookie books you definitely need to go out and get them. If you have read them, then you know that you MUST get All Together Dead; you will not be disappointed, as this is the best one yet!

Reviewed by Cat Smith
For PNR Reviews
June 21, 2007

Blood Secrets (Valorian Chronicles, Bk 1) (Silhouette Nocturne, No 11)
Blood Secrets (Valorian Chronicles, Bk 1) (Silhouette Nocturne, No 11)
Author: Vivi Anna
Book Type: Mass Market Paperback
  • Currently 3.6/5 Stars.
Review Date: 9/20/2007
Helpful Score: 2

There has been a ritualistic murder in Necroplis and the Otherworld Crime Unit (OCU) has been called in to solve it. The head of the unit, Cain Valorian realizes right away that this is investigation is going to be different than any he has ever seen. The young woman that was murdered was human; Cain and his unit are not.

When it became known that lycanthropy and magic are real the government decided to make the Otherworld city, Necroplis. The city is well guarded behind a facade of a military base that does not show up on any map. Cain is ordered to work with a human, Eve Grant from the nearby San Antonio crime lab to help solve the case. Every member of the OCU has been wronged by a human before and therefore do not trust humans. Cain realizes that he needs Eve's help to solve the case and stop any turmoil between Necroplis and the humans.

Eve was scared and wondering why she volunteered to work this case as she was entering to meet the chief of OCU, a vampire. Once she sees Cain, she is instantly attracted to him and has carnal thoughts about him. She had read about the OCU before she came, but was not prepared for what it meant to meet and work with vampires, witches and a lycan. While Cain and Eve try to fight their growing attraction; Eve and the rest of the OCU team must learn to work together and trust one another in order to find the killer in time.

Fans of Laurell K. Hamilton (early work), Kim Harrison, and Charlaine Harris now have a new name to add to their must read list, Vivi Anna! She has composed a fabulous world in Blood Secrets with a smooth flowing story line, excellent primary and secondary characters, action and romance. After reading this book it will have you asking Vivi Anna, to please write more about the OCU. I for one would love to read about Lyra (especially more about her grandmother) and Jace.

Cat Smith
PNR Reviews

Dark Lies (Valorian Chronicles, Bk 2) (Silhouette Nocturne, No 26)
Dark Lies (Valorian Chronicles, Bk 2) (Silhouette Nocturne, No 26)
Author: Vivi Anna
Book Type: Mass Market Paperback
  • Currently 3.9/5 Stars.
Review Date: 1/8/2008
Helpful Score: 4

At the start of this second installment of the Valorian Chronicles, there has been another murder similar to the ones that happened before in Necroplis (Blood Secrets); only this time the body was found in San Antonio. Otherworld Crime Unit (OCU) has been called in since the crime scene matches their old case; Cain takes himself, Eve, Lyra and Jace with him. This is the first time the OCU team has worked outside of their city, other than Eve (who is human); Jace has very strong feelings about working with the humans due to his past history with them and did not want to go.

When they arrived at the crime scene they were met with fear and animosity from the local police, except for Captain Morales, Eve's old boss. The crime scene not only looks similar as the ones in Necroplis but feels the same too; Jace smelled the same smell and Lyra was able to âseeâ the same magical signature. All of which makes them wonder, since they thought they had caught the person responsible.

When Captain Morales introduced one of their local police escorts to them Tala Channing, Jace had an interesting reaction, but did not realize it was due to her. Tala had read up on the OCU and each of the members, and knew that Jace was a lycan. Because of her past, he was the one member of the team she wanted the least to deal with; even though she was having some strange feelings to the contrary.

The officers from both cities will have to overcome their prejudices and work together in order to solve this case. Will team be able to hunt down the real killer before it is too late? How will Jace react to Tala's secret and will it get in the way of them solving the case?

Praise again for Vivi Anna! Once again she was able to write in her smooth style, bringing us back characters from the previous book and introduced new characters seemingly effortlessly. Fans of mystery and suspense will find this story appealing, as will fans of paranormal and urban fantasy. I really enjoy the world she has written and can not wait until the next book comes out. Thanks for continuing the story line and proving once again why you are on my must read list!

Cat Smith
PNR Reviews

Deep Pressure (Trigon Rituals, Bk 2)
Deep Pressure (Trigon Rituals, Bk 2)
Author: Angelia Whiting
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 3.6/5 Stars.
Review Date: 1/8/2008
Helpful Score: 2

Imagine experiencing the most wild and erotic dreams ever and waking up unfulfilled night after night and each one more intense than the last. That has been happening to Karen, what is weird is she is unable to bear anyone's touch due to suffering from Vestibular Processing Disorder, that is why at twenty five she is still a virgin. Karen has taken a trip for work to get some samples from the Amazon. She starts have her dreams during the day and in one she figures out that she is dreaming about not one male but two. This and the fact that she thinks she is starting to see them everywhere makes her feel like she is losing her sanity. By the time that she realizes her dreams are not dreams but real live men, they have captured her.

Lemac ot Rean and Dgor ot Zyet came all the way from Terta Minor to find their mate to complete their Trigon. The Trigon is a marriage on their planet where two men and a woman are joined together by the Divinities. During the trip back to Terta Minor, Karen does not make things easy for Lemac and Dgor, she find out that she is able to handle their touch and wants more of it. She also finds out that her âconditionâ is actually an ability she will need to become confident with it in order to overt disaster. Will they make it back to Terta Minor? Will Karen agree to marry and go through with the Triconjugal process?

What is hotter than Hot? Angelia Whiting! Her characters are multifaceted, passionate, sensual and loving and that is what makes her ménage scenes work. She writes truly erotic Romance with a nice mix of humor and action to keep you captivated until the end.
What is also nice about this book, in the back is a list of definitions, translations and basics about the setup; it shows how much thought and planning the author put in writing about her world and her desire for the reader to understand it. This book is the second to be released but is a prequel to book one âThe Trigon Ritualsâ.

For those who are normally put off by m/m/f ménage need to give this book a try, because at the core this is a romance book written erotically with a happy ever after ending. I look forward to more of this series.

Cat Smith
PNR Reviews

Demons Prefer Blondes
Demons Prefer Blondes
Author: Sidney Ayers
Book Type: Mass Market Paperback
  • Currently 3/5 Stars.
Review Date: 10/12/2011
Helpful Score: 2

I was excited to read this book, all the characters were well developed and the premiss sounded great. It started out good, but somewhere around the middle it seem to loose steam, I found it easy to put down. I struggled to finish this book and the only thing about the ending is that it was over and I could go on to another book. I think that the author just needed a good editor to get her back on track. I liked her writing style and how she added just a hint of humor (it did not feel forced) with the action.

Overall the book was just good, with the possibility of being great. I will give this author another chance.

Devour (Catherine Marais, Bk 1)
Devour (Catherine Marais, Bk 1)
Author: Melina Morel
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 2.8/5 Stars.
Review Date: 1/16/2008
Helpful Score: 9

Catherine Marais and Paul DuJardin are hunters for a secret organization (The Institute) whose sole goal is to remove werewolves from existence. In this world werewolves are bloodthirsty savage creatures who can not fully control themselves.

Pierre de Montfort is a werewolf and comes from a long line of werewolves who have a history of maturing late. The Institute has been tracking the Montfort werewolves through time and have tracked down Pierre and confirmed that he is indeed a werewolf. Although Pierre appears to be in control of himself the Institute still sends Catherine and Paul after him. They team up with the US contingent of the Institute and vampire Ian Morgan, who has his own reasons to bring down Pierre.

Paul has just finished writing about the history of the Montfort werewolves in French when he meets Julie Buchanan; a teacher and translator, whose family history is also tied in with the Montforts. Paul has Julie translate the story into English as part of the institute's plan to get Pierre. With the hype of the upcoming release of Paul's story in the US, Pierre lost control over his other side; causing him to become violent.

From the book blurb I was looking forward to reading this story. What could be wrong? A female hunter, a werewolf and a vampire love interest, the makings for a great paranormal read. Well, I found out this book was lacking in personality. I have read history text with more passion. Normally having two love stories in one book is a bonus. I am not sure if it was due to the characters being flat or me not connecting to them, but the love scenes were skip able for me. I connected more with Pierre who was the âbadâ person in this story; due to the author giving us more of his thought process. Ian was the only other character who was note worthy and I still wish he could have had more âlifeâ in him.

All in all, Devour is a great idea that fell flat.

Cat Smith
PNR Reviews

Author: Kathleen Dante
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 3.3/5 Stars.
Review Date: 7/29/2008
Helpful Score: 2

"The Fed," Damon Venizelos, has been put on a new assignment and needs to enlist the help of a Master thief that has avoided capture. While tracking down the master thief, he is able to sense the presence and is shocked to find out that it is a female. Somehow, she slipped through his grasp and stole an item right under his nose.

Damon is an incubus and his gift is being able to dreamwalk. Normally for the government he uses that "gift" to assassinate people, but this time he uses it to set a trap. Master thief Aurara diScipio has a gift too; she is a lamia (a born shapeshifter) and is able to take any form. Through her smarts and her "gift" she has been able to steal numerous items and not leave a clue.

Damon, who has been the cause of Rory's sensual dreams, visits her in her dream and sets up a meet in person. Rory is intrigued by Damon's mission to find a missing Russian nuke, especially since the job sounds like a challenge and she loves challenges. As the mission progresses and the danger escalates, so does the passion between the two.

Will Rory be able to trust Damon with the secret of her "gift?" Can Damon learn to trust a thief? Can they complete the mission and still hold onto their hearts?

Move over James Bond and make room for Damon and Rory! These two are a hot, likeable couple that will have you rooting for them both equally. I especially like how the characters refer to each other with Rory calling Damon "the Fed" and he calling her "my Thief." There is just the right mix of intrigue, danger, humor and passion all wrapped up with a paranormal bow to make this story a winner!

Reviewed by Catherine Smith
For PNR reviews
Posted April 10, 2008

Easy Everyday Low Carb Cookbook
Easy Everyday Low Carb Cookbook
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 3.4/5 Stars.
Review Date: 3/18/2010
Helpful Score: 1

This book is a great for someone who is trying to watch their carb intake! We used this along with the Carb Counter's Diabetic Cookbook to help get my Father-in-law on track. This book has 360 meal plans that are totally doable! There is also a handy reference list of carb counts for fruits and vegetables. Recipes for appetizers, SNACKS, salads, side dishes, main dishes and even deserts.

Holy Smokes (Aisling Grey, Guardian, Bk 4)
Holy Smokes (Aisling Grey, Guardian, Bk 4)
Author: Katie MacAlister
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 4.1/5 Stars.
Review Date: 8/9/2008
Helpful Score: 4

Aisling Grey, Guardian, Demon lord, Prince of Abbadon, and wyvern mate is finally going to be made an honest woman by Drake (her dragon "sweetie"). She will have to overcome a few things first, of course, since nothing is easy where she is concerned.

To start off the fun, the Red Sept has not given up its feud with Aisling, Drake and the Green Sept; they are causing all kinds of trouble for them. Aisling is trying to keep all of this and the Otherworld stuff from her human step-mom and dad, along with her tough Uncle who are in town for the wedding. Then Drake goes missing on their wedding day!

Aisling starts being proactive and sets out to find and rescue Drake; in the process learns a lot more about the different Dragon Septs and regains some trust for Gabriel. As always Jim is by her side offering his colorful comments and whining about food or how he is being treated. Through all of this the Dark voice in her head won't shut up and Bael requires something from Aisling that she is not prepared to give.

What can I say but "Holy Smokes! That was Awesome"! Katie MacAlister continues to deliver with this fourth installment in her Aisling Grey Guardian series. Action, sexy dragons, magic, sarcastic sidekick demon (in a wonderful Newfie form), Lord of the Underworld, relatives, a little B & E, a wedding and did I say sexy dragons, all delivered with her signature humor and style.

What I loved most about this book is that we got to see Aisling step up to the plate and really figure things out this time (without getting herself deeper into trouble) and that the romance is still there between Aisling and Drake. There is a major amount of closure at the end and I am not sure if this means there will be no more Aisling books or not; but do not fear for she has a new book due out in May also set in this world. I do not know how she keeps coming up with these great stories but they are golden to me and they are on my keeper shelf (maybe I have a little dragon in me).

Aisling Grey books in order
1. Playing With Fire
2. Fire Me Up
3. Light My Fire
4. Holy Smokes

Keeping It Real (Quantum Gravity, Book 1)
Keeping It Real (Quantum Gravity, Book 1)
Author: Justina Robson
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 3.5/5 Stars.
Review Date: 2/24/2013

An intense, action packed, futuristic blend of science fiction and fantasy. Justina Robson does a superb job of blending genres and delivering an awesome book.

The Midnight Work
The Midnight Work
Author: Kassandra Sims
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 3/5 Stars.
Review Date: 10/3/2007
Helpful Score: 4

The worse book of 2005! The story line was inconsistant, many editing errors, to the point that I wanted to scream! The thing that makes me so mad about this book is I wanted it to be good, the blurp about it sounded great. The author tried too hard and the editor was asleep through most of the book.

Personal Demons (Megan Chase, Bk 1)
Personal Demons (Megan Chase, Bk 1)
Author: Stacia Kane
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 3.5/5 Stars.
Review Date: 7/10/2008
Helpful Score: 4

What do you get when you cross a psychic therapist, a âhotâ fire demon, one determined reporter, three cockney demon bodyguards, zombies, witches, one messed up therapy group and a demon that is even hell is scared of? One of this summer's hottest paranormal reads!

Stacia Kane gives us some of the usual characters in a fresh and believable way. Megan is not your typical paranormal heroine; she does not kick butt right away and has some insecurities due to her past. But she overcomes them and finds herself in the process. Megan is not just the target of the personal demons (thanks to her show) but an array of paranormal beings that go from scary (the zombies) to a whole new definition of scary (the Accuser).

Grey is a fire demon, he may act nice and look really hot, but he will make sure that things turn out the way he wants them to. In a way, he is an anti-hero. Yes, he helps out Megan, but he keeps true to his sneaky demon ways; I find that refreshing.

The three characters I liked the best were Malleus, Maleficarum, and Spud, Megan's demon body guards. The brothers have cockney accents, healthy appetites, energy to spare and they take their orders quite literally.

Persistent reporter Brian took his assignment a bit too seriously for the fluff it should have been. I also was not too sure about the way he acted sometimes with Megan; it was like he was a jealous boyfriend when he did not have that ground to stand on.

This book has a great pace, action galore, steamy scenes, paranormal beings coming out of the woodwork and likeable characters that will have you reading late into the night.

Reviewed by Cat Smith
For PNR reviews

Phoenix Fire
Phoenix Fire
Author: Elizabeth Forrest
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 3.2/5 Stars.
Review Date: 11/3/2008

The Phoenix-
For millennia it had battled its ancient foe and always with the passage of centuries it had been renewed by the power of flame. Yet it's last burning had been far too long ago and its magic and life force had waned, as trapped in the La Brea Tar Pits, it dreamed of it's enemy and of the fires of rebirth.

The Demon-
Defeated but not destroyed, it had been imprisoned by the Chinese emperor beneath a magical seal and an army of clay warriors. For two thousand years it had waited, waited for the long-buried army to be rediscovered, waited for the archaeologist who could set it loose...

And in Los Angeles and China-
the very earth began to dance as these two creatures of ledgend fought to break free. And as earthquake and fire began to take its toll on the mortal world, four desperate people began to suspect the terror that was about to engulf Los Angeles...

This is a great book! Urban Fantasy.

The Reinvented Miss Bluebeard
The Reinvented Miss Bluebeard
Author: Minda Webber
Book Type: Mass Market Paperback
  • Currently 3.1/5 Stars.
Review Date: 1/8/2008

Eve Bluebeard wants noting to do with the family business of piracy or with men; she is a modern woman and feels she does not need a man to do what she wants; unfortunately she lives in a time when society does not agree with her. So she does what any creative and head strong woman would do, she invents a husband. She has been operating The Tower's, London's premier mental asylum for the paranormal for three years while her imaginary husband has been away in Transylvania treating a vampire of bloodlust.

Just before a very important dinner with members of the Supernatural Science Foundation, Eve is surprised with a visit from her father the infamous Captain Bluebeard. He tries to get her to go back to the sea and to think about marring Captain Hook; Eve reminds him that she is already married and that she would not marry Hook if he was the last man on earth.

At the start her dinner party seams to be doomed by a series of weird events, her butler is smashed and dropped a bottle of port on the rug, cook burnt the dinner, one of her crazed patients dug a hole and her gardener fell into it. All the while Eve is trying to keep a calm face for her guests because this visit is very important for the funding of The Tower's. Just when Eve feels that things are under control again, a man claiming to be Dr. Adam Griffin, her husband crashes the dinner party.

Eve can not protest that Adam is not her husband due to she has no husband and must act out the farce to her dinner guests. Adam (which is his real name) even looks how Eve described him and she finds him quite attractive. He finagles his way into staying at the Tower's for a bit. Adam discovers the occupants of The Tower's are a motley group of paranormal with a wide array of problems that keep Eve and her staff on their toes: a paranoid leprechaun, a bell obsessed hunched back dwarf, a claustrophobic vampire, a werewolf who thinks he is a housefly plus many more.

Minda Webber has created a delightful humorous paranormal romance filled with historical and literary characters along with her own. The combination of which one would think would not work, but she makes it seem not only possible but real. That along with the humor, jokes, and little quips that have you trying to remember what they refer to; make this story a fun and enjoyable read.

Reviewed by Cat Smith
For PNR Reviews
August 13, 2007

The Society (Society, Bk 1)
The Society (Society, Bk 1)
Author: Lilith Saintcrow
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 3.6/5 Stars.
Review Date: 3/29/2010
Helpful Score: 4

Warning! This book is a cliffhanger, you need to have the next book in the series in order to find out what happens (Hunter, Healer (Society, Bk 2).

That being said I really enjoyed this book and greatly wished that I had book 2 in my hands right now. The action was well paced, the paranormal aspects of this book were very interesting and the romance was kinda light.

Vampire Vintage
Vampire Vintage
Author: Ashlyn Chase
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 3.7/5 Stars.
Review Date: 10/14/2010
Helpful Score: 1

Action, suspense, hot love scenes, humor, wit, dysfunctional families, vampires, extra paranormal characters, and just plain great writing make this story a must read. I really liked this book, Ashlyn Chase had me laughing in all the right spots and holding my breath in others, the chemistry between her characters was perfect.

The Vampire's Kiss (Valorian Chronicles, Bk 5) (Harlequin Nocturne, No 92)
The Vampire's Kiss (Valorian Chronicles, Bk 5) (Harlequin Nocturne, No 92)
Author: Vivi Anna
Book Type: Mass Market Paperback
  • Currently 3.9/5 Stars.
Review Date: 7/14/2010
Helpful Score: 2

We are back in the European Otherworld city of Nouveau Monde with Olena Petrovich, vampiress and CSI agent; who is excited about her first time being lead investigator. The case starts out weird; with a bank robbery but no money was taken, and only some of the safety deposit boxes were robbed.

Unfortunately for Olena her excitement does not last long, within minutes of being on the case Interpol agent Cale Braxton shows up and tries to take over. Wondering why a human agency would be interested in a simply bank robbery and how Cale arrived on the scene so fast, Olena calls Gabriel her boss. He orders her to assist Cale on the case and to keep him safe.

Cale has to overcome is own prejudice of vampires as he and Olena follow leads that take them into the night life and some of the seedier side of Nouveau Monde. As the tension builds and they not only have to fight off the bad guys but their growing attraction for each other.

Vivi Anna still has it, a perfect blend of mystery, suspense, paranormal and romance! In this fifth installment of the Valorian Chronicles series, she shows why she is still on my must read list! I really like how with each new book we are able to see more sides to the characters. Ms Anna is able to portray characters in such a way that they seem to come alive for me. It is not often that you can say that the fifth book is better than the last, but this is the case with The Vampires Kiss.

Reviewed by Cat Smith
PNR Reviews

Note: this book can be read as a stand alone but I am sure that once you read one it will just like potato chips, so here are the previous books in order.

1. Blood Secrets (Caine Valorian and Eve Grant's story)
2. Dark Lies (Jace Jericho and Tala Channing's story)
3. Veiled Truth (Lyra Magice and Theron LeNoir's story)
4. Vampires Quest (Kellen Falcon and Sophie St. Clair)

1 to 18 of 18