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Topic: Need help - book suggestion for visiting sister

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TheStoneClover avatar
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Subject: Need help - book suggestion for visiting sister
Date Posted: 5/13/2009 11:17 PM ET
Member Since: 8/9/2007
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My sister will be visiting me shortly, and I can guarantee that she will not bring a book to read. She will go through mine and say something to the effect, "Don't you have anything good to read?" What can I say, we have different tastes in ..... well, everything. Her idea of a good book is a steamy, lusty romance novel and no, they can never be too graphic for her. Nothing offends her - trust me, I have tried. She does NOT like supernatural or sci-fi genres. The women she likes to read about tend to be strong women fighting to overcome some seeming impossible odds. An example would be a woman about to lose the family farm when a studly ranchhand shows up and....well, you get the point. She doesn't really want to read about some party girl who is out to solely score. Thanks in advance, John

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Date Posted: 5/14/2009 12:03 AM ET
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I love Catherine Anderson, this is an older book (1999), but a great story. Also first in a great series.

Baby Love (Kendrick/Coulter/Harrigan, No 1)
Author: Catherine Anderson
ISBN-13: 9780380799374 - ISBN-10: 0380799375

Comtemp romance. I would look into Nora Roberts, Sherryl Woods, Susan Anderson. Although some Nora Roberts have a supernatural eliment so she may not be into those.

For funny, Jennifer Crusie is great.  This is probably my favorite from her

Bet Me
Author: Jennifer Crusie
ISBN-13: 9780312987855 - ISBN-10: 0312987854

Hope this helps, good luck!


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Date Posted: 5/14/2009 12:21 AM ET
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Get her any of the Lora Leigh books, in the Bound Hearts series.  Erotic romance.  Wicked Pleasure and Forbidden Pleasure would be up her alley.  Both are menage books.


Susan Johnson also writes rather 'lusty' romance and Beatrice Small does quality historical romance that is very lusty.   I think SUsan Johnson's older books were better written than her reccent (last 6 years) ones.

sfields avatar
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Date Posted: 5/14/2009 12:25 AM ET
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Only His by Elizabeth Lowell

A Rogue in Texas by Lorraine Heath

A Heart So Wild by Johanna Lindsey

The Touch Of Fire by Linda Howard

Last Edited on: 5/14/09 12:27 AM ET - Total times edited: 1
fangrrl avatar
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Date Posted: 5/14/2009 12:52 AM ET
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Hi John!

Does she prefer contemporary or historical?  For contemporary, try Kate Pearce (cowboy series), Lorelei James (cowboys), Lora Leigh (Nauti Intentions, Only Pleasure, & Wicked Pleasure are her newest releases), or Susan Lyons.  For historical try Kate Pearce (Simply series), Beth Williamson (western), or Sarah McCarty (western).  Hard and Fast is the much anticipated new release for Erin McCarthy, and Bikini Diaries by Lacey Alexander has excellent reviews, both are contemporary romantica.

If you're sure she's not easily offended, these should be sufficiently smutty!  All are waitlisted at PBS, but new enough to be readily available at most bookstores and possibly the UBS.  Enjoy your visit :-)

Last Edited on: 5/14/09 2:30 PM ET - Total times edited: 4
pioneervalleygirl avatar
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Date Posted: 5/14/2009 5:24 AM ET
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I'm currently reading through Tara Janzen's "Crazy" series - deeply burried, black ops heroes who are all man, all lusty, with strong heroines to match. Fairly graphic in the sensual department very very readable, can't put the books down, like eating peanuts!

Just about anything by Linda Howard is good; MY SEXY GREEK SUMMER by Marie Donovan (May 09 Harlequin Blaze) is VERY graphic, more than I've been used to with Harlequin romances. Actually, any of the Blaze titles are sexier than the other HQ lines, but the  Donovan book is currently making the rounds at the office and chins are dropping everywhere.

rubberducky avatar
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Date Posted: 5/14/2009 6:44 AM ET
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It sounds like she needs a copy of Mustang Wild by Kasey Kane.  I think there are only just a few in the system right now - it tends to be rare & well worth a read.  It's quick though, so I'd also get her Marsha Canham's pirate books, Across a Moonlit Sea (Dante Pirates, Bk 1) and The Iron Rose (Dante Pirates, Bk 2).  Sounds like they'd be right up her alley.

fangrrl avatar
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Date Posted: 5/14/2009 2:26 PM ET
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LOL PioneerValleyGirl...Tara Jantzen writes some memorable characters, I love unconventional heroines and Skeeter with her tattoos, leather and chain mail is great fun!  The painter Nikki and her romance with Kid C was yummy :-) Good steamy stuff there that doesn't tilt the 'raunchy' meter!

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Date Posted: 5/14/2009 5:03 PM ET
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AH yes, all my Tara Janzen books and my Anne Stuart books are on the 'keeper' shelf. :-)

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Date Posted: 5/14/2009 6:12 PM ET
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I have some one my shelf and I'm doing a deal right. Someone mentioned Only his .I have that on my shelf.

TheStoneClover avatar
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Date Posted: 5/14/2009 8:14 PM ET
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Thank you ladies for all your help. I ordered 5 of the books listed above. I am guessing her first choice will be "Mustang Wild" because she does tend to judge books by their cover.  I did skip the Tara Janzen books even though they came highly recommended. Her "practice" husband was a police officer, so I thought it best to avoid books in that genre. Take care and thanks again. I could not have done it without your help.

BrokenWing avatar
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Date Posted: 5/17/2009 3:48 PM ET
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If she likes historicals, I recommend The last Arrow by Marsha Canham or Untie my Heart by Judith Ivory.  I don't read contemp @ all so I can't recommend one of those.  HTH.

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Date Posted: 5/17/2009 4:22 PM ET
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Actually the guys in Tara Janzen's series were car thieves(I think) or bad boys who ended up working for that government organization..they're more black ops kinda stuff than cops though one female cop shows up off and on. All of them have a history.

TheStoneClover avatar
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Date Posted: 5/20/2009 11:54 PM ET
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Thanks again