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Crystal D. (crysd)'s Bulletin Board Entries

Crystal D. (crysd): Donating Books?

We're making a big move soon and I've moved frequently within the past couple of years.. and yet some books just always seem to stay with me. It can be such a hassle. I've narrowed down my collection to only those I dearly love or have not read and really want to read. This leaves me with about 20 or so books that I just can't seem to get rid of! I want to make sure they go to someone who will actually use them, but no one seems to be interested here on PBS...

So I think after a certain point, possibly a month or so from now (maybe around the time for Spring Cleaning?) - if these books haven't been picked up by anyone then I'm going to find the best possible way to just "donate" or get rid of them. I love PBS because giving a book means getting a book.. which is really nice when you can't make a profit (which I need at this point in my life) - but I just can't keep them around anymore. It is sad for me.

If anyone has any knowledge about places that will gladly accept used books (some in great condition - others pretty old) without too much paperwork.. please clue me in. I live in the NYC area and I'm pretty new, so I just don't know where to begin.

Entry added on 1/15/2008 9:38 PM
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