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Help Center - How does the Vacation Hold affect Box-O-Books?

Search Terms:

Box-O-Books' Bookshelf is hidden by a Vacation Hold.

  • Box-O-Books uses the same Bookshelf as for-credit swapping in your account.
  • So new Boxing is not possible - books can't be added from your Bookshelf -- during an active Vacation Hold
  • You can pause Box-O-Books separately from for-credit swapping, but the reverse is not true:
  • You cannot pause for-credit swapping using the Vacation Hold and keep Box-O-Books active.

How to tell if your account is on Vacation Hold:

To see if you have an active Vacation Hold (and see the end date), just:

  • log into your account and look at your My Account main page:

  • If you have an active or scheduled hold, a message about that will appear in a pink box near the top of the page. (There will also be a button in that message to "unhold your account".)

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